The European Commission’s science Manuel Palazuelos Martínez


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Presentation transcript:

The European Commission’s science Manuel Palazuelos Martínez and knowledge service Joint Research Centre The Future of Smart Specialisation within Current EU Policies: A View from the European Commission 29 November 2017 Manuel Palazuelos Martínez Project Leader, S3 Platform, JRC B3 DG JRC B3 European Commission


The future of smart specialisation The changes and challenges - A modern economy and fair transition for EU regions Europe is experiencing a period of profound changes brought by globalisation, new emerging and digital technologies, automation and decarbonisation. The benefits of globalisation are unequally spread. It is indispensible to help Europeans adapt to these profound changes and to help the EU economy to become more resilient. Reflection Paper on Harnessing Globalisation Changes and Challenges The future of smart specialisation Therefore the EU will need to: activate the innovation potential of MS and regions adapt its industry to new models boost competitiveness and access to new markets reduce the gap among regions create new jobs Final Remarks

Smart specialisation, a concept that generates interest across the EU… Smart specialisation, a response to yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's challenges Changes and Challenges "Major efforts are needed to make Europe a competitive and innovative economy" (2017, Reflection Paper on harnessing globalisation) "National and regional governments should […] develop smart specialisation strategies to maximise the impact of Regional Policy in combination with other Union Policies" (COM(2010) 553 final) Sustainable Development Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation "Europe is at the cutting edge of innovation" but By 2025: "The EU27 steps up its work in fields such as innovation…." (2017, White Paper on the Future of Europe) "Europe is experiencing a period of momentous change […] It is indispensable to help Europeans adapt to these profound changes and to help the EU economy to become more resilient" (Communication COM(2017) 376 final) The future of smart specialisation Smart specialisation as a response Final Remarks

The Future of Smart specialisation: The July 2017 Communication A View From the Commission Changes and Challenges DG JRC DG REGIO July 2017 Communication "Strengthening Innovation in Europe's Regions: Strategies for resilient, inclusive and sustainable growth" S3 is a new way of working together, which ensures stronger local and regional participation in decision-making S3 as a response The future of smart specialisation DG GROW DG RTD Final Remarks

The Future of Smart specialisation: The July 2017 Communication Changes and Challenges Innovation investments across regions Reforms of R&I Systems July 2017 Communication "Strengthening Innovation in Europe's Regions: Strategies for resilient, inclusive and sustainable growth" S3 as a response The future of smart specialisation Less developed and industrial transition regions Synergies and complementarities between EU policies and instruments Pilot action to be launched by end-2017 2 calls – interregional partnerships and industrial transition – to be launched by end-September 2017? 5-10 partnerships will be selected and supported by ERDF Objectives: testing approaches to commercialise and scale-up interregional investment projects developing bankable projects for support from financial instruments attracting private investments developing new value chains Final Remarks

The role of the Smart Specialisation Platform (S3P) of the JRC in this future A JRC contribution to the future of Smart specialisation… Changes and Challenges Tools: Regional priorities (Eye@RIS3), Regional Benchmarking, ICT Monitoring, Digital Innovation Hubs Innovation investments across regions Reforms of R&I Systems Guidance: RIS3 Guide, Implementation Handbook, Digital Agenda Toolbox, Good Practice Examples, FAQs The future of smart specialisation The S3P Analysis: Conceptual and empirical developments, Policy Briefs, Peer Reviews, Working Papers Less developed and industrial transition regions Synergies and complementarities between EU policies and instruments Final Remarks 3 thematic platforms on agro-food, energy and industrial modernisation

The future of smart specialisation Final Remarks: Smart specialisation, a concept that generates interest inside the EU, but also beyond Objectives Current EU contribution Latin America Australia Tunisia Serbia Moldova Ukraine Countries/regions with interest Canada South Korea China South Africa The future of smart specialisation Final Remarks

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