Medical Terminology Skeletal System
Medical Terminology Combining Form Definition arthr/o joint chondr/o cartilage cost/o ribs crani/o skull/head -desis fixation/bind together kyph/o humped-back , hill lord/o curve, swayback -lysis destruction lumb/o loins -plasty surgical repair -centesis surgical puncture
Medical Terminology Combining Form Definition myel/o bone marrow oss, oste/o bone scoli/o crooked, bent synovi/o synovial membrane, fluid carp/o wrist dactyl/o digits femor/o femur(thigh bone)
Medical Terminology Combining Form Definition humer/o humerus(upper arm bone) ili/o ilium mandibul/o mandible(upper jawbone) maxill/o maxilla(lower jawbone) phalang/o finger/toes stern/o sternum tibi/o tibia pod/o foot orth/o straight
Medical Terminology Arthroplasty Arthr/o/plasty Surgical repair of a joint Arthrocentesis Arthr/o/centesis Surgical puncture of a joint Arthritis Arthr/itis Inflammation of a joint Chrondroplasty Chrondr/o/plasty Surgical repair of cartilage
Medical Terminology Orthopedist Orth/o/pedist Specialist in straightening bones Osteorrhaphy Oste/o/rrhaphy Suturing or wiring together bones Osteomyelitis Oste/o/myel/itis Inflammation of bone and bone marrow Osteonecrosis Oste/o/necrosis Death of bone(tissue) Osteomalacia Oste/o/malacia Softening of bones(from disease)
Medical Terminology Chiropractor Treats disorders originating from misalignment of the spine Cranioectomy Crani/o/ectomy The surgical removal of a portion of the skull Myeloma Myel/oma Cancer(tumor) that occurs in blood-making cells found in the red bone marrow Podiatrist Specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the foot