Please insert the Poster Title in here Aim Plan Do Study Act Insert authors names here Insert addresses below Aim This poster template is in A1, portrait format. To use this poster template, highlight the text and replace it with your own. The font size should be between 24-32. In this section, please describe the aim of your Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle. What is it you are testing and why? You may wish to use bullet points. Plan What are you going to do to test this change (i.e. what tasks are involved). Diagrams may be helpful. What do you think is going to happen? Do Describe what happened when you ran the test of change. Study Describe your results. Was it what you expected? The results could be supported by inserting files (i.e. photographs, graphs, diagrams, tables etc.) Tables can be created directly into this template (Insert Table) or you can copy and past from a Microsoft Excel file, although the font size may need adjusted. Remember to number any tables and use captions where appropriate, extra text boxes can be inserted to allow this (Insert Text box) Photographs and diagrams etc. can be inserted (Insert Pictures). Act What is your next steps now that you have looked at the results? We encourage you to get a colleague to peer review your poster before submission. If you would like more help with your poster, please contact Natalie Weir at Acknowledgements Please acknowledge anyone who helped you with this test of change.