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Presentation transcript:

QUOTE 2ND CORINTHIANS 5:7 “ FOR WE WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT” Cards 36-38 QUOTE 2ND CORINTHIANS 5:7 “ FOR WE WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT” Faith in the promises of God concerning the future, leads man to walk after the things of God. Faith is seeing by the Spirit. The condition of our present state of being is that of believing. We do not know these things as they appear to the natural eye; it is by faith that we know them. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb. 11:1). Faith is believing fully and doing by obedience whatever God promises or says in regard to anything. Walking by faith is taking every step we make according to His directions. In order for an act to be faith, it must be of faith, it must be authorized by the New Testament. -One can pray by faith but cannot burn incense by faith. –One can sing by faith but cannot play instrumental music in worship by faith. To walk by sight is to walk after the thins of this world. A man walks by sight who allows himself to live for the praise of other people. Thus, not only covetousness or self-indulgence in the lowest sense of the word, but vanity and worldliness and morally wrong ambition, all have their root in walking by sight. If we do God’s will only when we understand it—we are walking by sight, not by faith.

QUOTE 2ND CORINTHAIANS 5:7 “For we walk by f_________________, and not by s_______________________” Can we see faith? Is man to walk after the things of God? Faith is seeing by the S______________. What is our authorization for the acts of faith? Is faith believing fully? Walking by faith is taking every step we make according to whose directions? Can you pray by faith even though you don’t know if God hears you? Can you sing by faith, but not play instrumental music in worship by faith? To walk by sight is to walk after things of this w_______________. If we do God’s will even when we don’t understand it we are walking by f____________.

2nd CORINTHIANS 8 SHOWS THE PROOF OF OUR LOVE IS “WHAT WE GIVE” The poorest as well as the richest are included. None were exempted because they were poor. If one is able to give one dime or one cent and fails to give it he is just as culpable before God as is the man who is able to give a thousand dollars and fails to give it to the Lord. God values, blesses and rewards gifts according to the sacrifices made, not according to the amount given. When God gave the manna in the wilderness, no matter how much they gathered, there was nothing left, and no lack. The lesson taught is, if each will give freely to help others, none will want. Give what we have to supply the lack of others. One who gives as God instructs, loves God, and God loves him. (2nd Corinthians 9:7)

2nd CORINTHIANS 8 SHOWS THE PROOF OF OUR LOVE IS: When we stay home from church? When we disobey our parents? When we give? Do you have to be rich to give to God? If you are poor is any amount you can give pleasing to God? Is giving the proof of our love for God? We can say we love God but the proof is shown by our act___________or w__________. When God gave the Israelites manna in the wilderness did they ever run out? If we each give freely to help others will we have to do without? One who gives as God instructs, L___________God, and God loves them.

“EXAMINE YOURSELVES…….. WHETHER YE BE IN THE FAITH 2ND CORINTHIANS 13:5 The Corinthians had demanded proof that Paul was an apostle. He had furnished it, and he now admonishes them to try themselves so as to make sure that they are in the faith (the gospel). He had already said unto them: “If any man thinketh himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him take knowledge of the things which I write unto you, that they are the commandment of the Lord.” (I Cor. 14:37) That is, they were to test their lives, with an earnest desire to conform themselves unto the directions of the gospel. To be in the faith is to be faithful to the Lord. The standard of examination must be the Bible (New Testament) and not what man thinks, what everybody else is doing or human creeds.

WHETHER YE BE IN THE F__________…” “EXAMINE YOURSELVES… WHETHER YE BE IN THE F__________…” Did the Corinthians want proof that Paul was an apostle? Did Paul furnish that proof? Paul wanted the Corinthians to test themselves so as to make sure that they are in the f_______________. If they were not in the faith they were to c______________themselves unto the gospel. Is being in the faith being faithful to the Lord? What is the standard of examination that we must follow? Is the Bible (New Testament) God’s rule book for us? Should we follow what man thinks or the Bible? Should we follow what everybody else is doing? Should we use a man made creed book to follow? Names some ways we can be faithful to the Lord.