As you come in… Please consider all events from the novel so far, and the discussions we have had about our own future and thematic references. Create a Level 3 question (relating the BOOK to the REAL WORLD) that brings up a question you’ve been pondering (or found interesting in discussion) These will be responded to.
Respond to “Pen Pal” Read the provided question carefully, underlining and studying all pieces of this “prompt” as you would a regular AP prompt “ANSWER PROMPT” BEFORE responding, really make sure you organize your thoughts so you stay consistent and persuasive throughout. Responses need to… Address all pieces of prompt Develop ideas using evidence from two sources: Our own world The book Provide at LEAST two quotes from the book that help prove your purpose At least 1 ½ pages in length At the end, consider a new question to pose based on your analysis. This MUST be a Level 3.
“The Panther” by Rainer Maria Rilke Day One: Perform a CLOSE READ analysis of Rainer Maria Rilke’s “The Panther” Pay close attention to: Literary devices Tone Symbolism (huge) Author purpose Consider its likeness to 1984’s theme