Science National Honor Society (SNHS) Welcome to 2018-2019 School Year!
Sign-In We are going to start having a sign-in at the beginning of each meeting. If you haven’t already signed in, please make sure to do that before you leave today. If in the future you are unable to make it to a meeting, please contact one of the officers through Remind or email Mrs. Sweaks with your name, ID number, and reason for absence.
Subcommittee Leadership Team Officers President - Priya Mandava Vice President - Irene Hau Treasurer/Secretary - Melanie Guillermo Public Relations - Thomas Schnaible Subcommittee Leadership Team Matthew Foster, Sofia Uranga, Andrea Afonso, Sanhita Chundury
Requirements Maintain a 3.00/4.00 GPA across all classes, and a 3.00/4.00 science GPA Attend at least four general meetings annually and at least one officer’s lecture Participate in at least one chapter project No violations of the Allen High School Honor Code Complete at least four hours of science related service per school year Examples include being a tutor for any science subject, volunteering at a nursing home, volunteering at a hospital, helping a science teacher, etc.
Recruitment Club fair will be great opportunity to recruit new members (Wednesday September 5th during all lunches) If interested in volunteering, please let me know at end of meeting If you know anyone who might be interested, they can... go to Science National Honor Society Website for more information join SNHS Interested Students Remind by texting @eeee8b to 81010 New membership applications will be open from 9/5/2018 - 9/15/2018 Membership applications can be found on the website under the “Applications” tab
Sub-Committees and Projects In order to organize chapter projects which are of interest to and grant a voice to all members, subcommittees will be created. Each subcommittee will organize and conduct its own community project related to science. Subcommittees: Engineering Healthcare Science Education Animal and Environmental Care There will be a google form asking about subcommittee interest sent out soon. Please complete this form ASAP.
Other Events/Project Ideas Thank you to everyone who attended the Meet the Eagles Event! Upcoming Events: Club Fair during all lunches on 9/5 Project Ideas: Newsletter/Science Journal Podcasts on our website Schoolwide Competition
Student Council Delegate Student council makes a lot of decisions regarding our campus and are interested in hearing from as many students as possible. They would like to have a student-delegate from SNHS to attend the bi-monthly meetings If interested, please let me know at the end of the meeting
Quick Reminders Everyone please… Complete the sub-committee interest form Make sure you have signed-in before leaving today’s meeting If interested in volunteering for one or more of any of the following, please speak to the designated officer. Student Council delegate Club Fair volunteer during your lunch (2 per lunch for all 4 lunches)
Contact Remind 101 Website Contact any of the officers Can send email to Contact Mrs. Sweaks Meet her in K213 or email to
Remind Text @snhs20182 to 81010 (If already a member, you can remove yourself from “SNHS Interested Members” remind)