An application of Co-dominance Mode of Inheritance Multiple Alleles: BLOOD TYPES An application of Co-dominance Mode of Inheritance
CO-DOMINANCE Review: Co-dominance: Two dominant alleles are expressed at the same time. CO-DOMINANCE
CODOMINANCE…MULTIPLE ALLELLES Some traits have more than two alleles. For blood types, 2 of the genes are codominant and one is recessive. 3 possible genes: A and B are codominant O is recessive. Genes: A = IA B = IB O = i
The Story of Blood Transfusions… Mid-1700’s: An English physician transfused sheep’s blood into a wounded soldier. The soldier died a painful death. 1795: Philadelphia physician Philip Syng Physick performed the first human-to human blood transfusion (not published). 1881: First recorded human-to-human blood transfusion by British physician James Blundell. Patient shows initial improvement and then dies.
1901: Austrian physician Karl Landsteiner discovers the three main human blood groups (A, B and C…he later changed C to O). For this, he was awarded the Nobel Prize. He mixed red blood cells with different kinds of blood. When he mixed “A” blood with red blood cells from the “B” group, he saw clumping. The same thing happened when he did the opposite. He found that when he put red blood cells from group “C” into any other blood type, there was never any clumping.
This would be the first blood “bank.” 1902: Dr. Alfred von Decastello and Adriano Sturli identify “AB” blood type which clumps in both “A “ and “B” blood. This clumping is called “agglutination.” 1917: Dr. Oswald Robertson collects and stores type O blood to be used for casualties in World War I. This would be the first blood “bank.” 1907: Dr. Reuben Ottenberg, New York, performs the first transfusion using cross matching (matching blood types). Over the next several years, he virtually eliminates transfusion reactions.
Picture of Red Blood Cells
ANTIGEN (Agglutinogen-kind of protein) On the surface of the cell membrane of a red blood cells, there are proteins protruding out. These proteins are called “antigens” or “agglutinogens.” They are used to identify the cells as “self.”
Antibodies: Your bodies defense mechanism. Antibodies attack foreign substances. If the wrong blood type is transfused into a person (such as ‘A’ into an ‘O’ person), the antibodies in the recipient’s blood will try to destroy the group A cells.
Why, when you mix certain people’s blood, does it cause clumping: Example: Anti-A antibodies attach to A antigens, binding red blood cells together and causing clumping. The kidney tries to filter the clumps out of the blood and the kidneys can become damaged to the point of kidney failure.
Blood Type Genotype(s) Antigens Antibodies A B AB O
Blood Type Genotype(s) Antigens Antibodies A IAIA or IAi B AB O
Blood Type Genotype(s) Antigens Antibodies A IAIA or IAi B IBIB or IBi AB O
Blood Type Genotype(s) Antigens Antibodies A IAIA or IAi B IBIB or IBi AB IAIB O
Blood Type Genotype(s) Antigens Antibodies A IAIA or IAi B IBIB or IBi AB IAIB O ii
Blood Type Genotype(s) Antigens Antibodies A IAIA or IAi B IBIB or IBi AB IAIB O ii
Blood Type Genotype(s) Antigens Antibodies A IAIA or IAi B IBIB or IBi AB IAIB O ii
Blood Type Genotype(s) Antigens Antibodies A IAIA or IAi B IBIB or IBi AB IAIB O ii
Blood Type Genotype(s) Antigens Antibodies A IAIA or IAi B IBIB or IBi AB IAIB O ii
Blood Type Genotype(s) Antigens Antibodies A IAIA or IAi Anti-B Antibodies B IBIB or IBi AB IAIB O ii
Blood Type Genotype(s) Antigens Antibodies A IAIA or IAi Anti-B Antibodies B IBIB or IBi Anti-A Antibodies AB IAIB O ii
Blood Type Genotype(s) Antigens Antibodies A IAIA or IAi Anti-B Antibodies B IBIB or IBi Anti-A Antibodies AB IAIB No Antibodies O ii
Both Anti-A and Anti-B Antibodies Blood Type Genotype(s) Antigens Antibodies A IAIA or IAi Anti-B Antibodies B IBIB or IBi Anti-A Antibodies AB IAIB No Antibodies O ii Both Anti-A and Anti-B Antibodies
Example. Cross a type A father and a type O mother Example Cross a type A father and a type O mother. One of their children is a type O. Is this child adopted? Gametes Gametes
Example. Cross a type A father and a type O mother Example Cross a type A father and a type O mother. One of their children is a type O. Is this child adopted? (2 possible punnett squares) Gametes Gametes
Example. Cross a type A father and a type O mother Example Cross a type A father and a type O mother. One of their children is a type O. Is this child adopted? (2 possible punnett squares) Gametes IA Gametes
Example Cross a type A father and a type O mother. One of Example Cross a type A father and a type O mother. One of their children is a type O. Is this child adopted? (2 possible punnett squares) Gametes IA i Gametes
Example Cross a type A father and a type O mother Example Cross a type A father and a type O mother. One of their children is a type O. Is this child adopted? (2 possible punnett squares) Gametes IA i IAIA IAi Gametes
Example Cross a type A father and a type O mother Example Cross a type A father and a type O mother. One of their children is a type O. Is this child adopted? (2 possible punnett squares) Gametes IA i IAIA IAi Gametes IA i
Example Cross a type A father and a type O mother Example Cross a type A father and a type O mother. One of their children is a type O. Is this child adopted? (2 possible punnett squares) Gametes IA i IAIA IAi Gametes IA i
Example Cross a type A father and a type O mother Example Cross a type A father and a type O mother. One of their children is a type O. Is this child adopted? (2 possible punnett squares) Gametes IA i IAIA IAi Gametes IA i IAi ii
UNIVERSAL DONOR VS UNIVERSAL RECIPIENT What type of blood would be the Universal Donor and why? Type O because it has no antigens on its surface to be recognized by antibodies. What type of blood would the Universal Recipient and why? Type AB because it has no antibodies to recognize and attack foreign blood types.
Rh Factor Rh positive: indicates the presence of the Rh antigen on the red blood cell. This is dominant. “+ + or + -” Rh negative: indicates the lack of Rh antigen on the surface of the red blood cell. This is recessive. “- -”
Anti-Rh Antibodies A person only develops anti-Rh after exposure to Rh-positive cells through transfusion or pregnancy. Leakage of red blood cells from an Rh+ baby into a Rh- mother’s system during delivery will cause a build up of the anti-Rh antibodies in the mother’s blood. This takes awhile so probably won’t affect the first baby. The anti-Rh antibodies can pass through the placenta and enter the circulatory system of the next Rh+ baby. This will clump the baby’s red blood cells.
Example: Cross a type Rh+ father and a Rh- mother Example: Cross a type Rh+ father and a Rh- mother. What is the chance that their baby will cause a build up of anti-Rh antibodies in the mother? Gametes Gametes
Example: Cross a type Rh+ father and a Rh- mother Example: Cross a type Rh+ father and a Rh- mother. What is the chance that their baby will cause a build up of anti-Rh antibodies in the mother? (2 possible punnett squares) Gametes Gametes
Example: Cross a type Rh+ father and a Rh- mother Example: Cross a type Rh+ father and a Rh- mother. What is the chance that their baby will cause a build up of anti-Rh antibodies in the mother? (2 possible punnett squares) Gametes - + Gametes
Example: Cross a type Rh+ father and a Rh- mother Example: Cross a type Rh+ father and a Rh- mother. What is the chance that their baby will cause a build up of anti-Rh antibodies in the mother? (2 possible punnett squares) Gametes - + + - Gametes
Example: Cross a type Rh+ father and a Rh- mother Example: Cross a type Rh+ father and a Rh- mother. What is the chance that their baby will cause a build up of anti-Rh antibodies in the mother? (2 possible punnett squares) Gametes - + + - Gametes - +
Example: Cross a type Rh+ father and a Rh- mother Example: Cross a type Rh+ father and a Rh- mother. What is the chance that their baby will cause a build up of anti-Rh antibodies in the mother? (2 possible punnett squares) Gametes - + IAIA IAi Gametes - + + - - -
Most common blood types: A+ and O+ make up about 72% of the population. Least common blood type: AB- make up only about 1% of the population