Lesson 3: Pushing yourself to the limit for others Principle 1: Kindness Element E: Students join in organised acts of kindness
What does ‘pushing yourself to the limit’ actually mean? Come up with a definition in pairs. Stick your post-it note on the learning wall! 2 minutes!
Pushing yourself to the limit… Trying to do something to the best of your ability. This can be physical (e.g. running) or psychological (e.g. trying your hardest in an exam). It also means stepping out of your comfort zone – taking risks! Knowing there is nothing more you could have done.
Thinking of others… The challenge is pushing yourself to the limit FOR OTHERS. This means doing what you can to help other people, even if this means you don’t put yourself first. It’s about making sacrifices, even for those who are ‘different’ from you.
to be a super hero to push yourself to the limit for others! You don’t have to be a super hero to push yourself to the limit for others! What qualities do you think someone has who pushes themselves to the limit? Quick task: In pairs, create a word cloud with appropriate adjectives.
Qualities I already have… Qualities I would like to improve to help push myself to the limit for others…
What does this mean? Research shows that if we help others then we feel happier and more confident as a result. It also means people will trust you and value your opinions in the future.
The brainy bit… Key term: Altruism Putting others before yourself (and not expecting anything in return). It can reduce stress as well as improve mood, self-esteem and happiness. (Mental Health Organisation)
What are the health benefits? You can help others feel good, which in turn makes you feel good! It brings a sense of belonging and reduces isolation. It helps keep things in perspective – you realise how lucky you actually are. It helps make the world a happier place – it’s contagious! The more you do for others, the more you do for yourself. It helps get rid of negative feelings. It can actually help us live longer!
Emmeline Pankhurst Charity & relief workers Emergency services Soldiers in a war zone All of these people have pushed themselves to the limit for others. Can you think of any other examples? Anyone you know?
You can make a difference on a smaller scale! But you don’t have to be tirelessly working every day and putting your life in danger to push yourself to the limit for others… Heads together! What could you do that would still be challenging yourself but not necessarily like the previous examples?
Be inspired! Be prepared to explain why… You are going to be shown various motivational quotes. In pairs, decide which one is most suitable for the idea of ‘pushing yourself to the limit for others’. Be prepared to explain why…
This week, try to push yourself to the limit for someone else. If it doesn’t have the outcome you expected, don’t worry. It’s about knowing you’ve tried your hardest to make a difference. This week, try to push yourself to the limit for someone else. And you can always try again in another way if it doesn’t work out first time round! Your challenge!
Class agreement We agree to try our hardest to… push ourselves to the limit for someone who would really benefit from our help. help someone who we don’t normally spend a lot of time with. not give up when the going gets tough! think of alternate ways of pushing ourselves to get the outcome everyone is happy with. evaluate how it went and think about what else we could do next time.
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