PICK ‘N’ MIX HOMEWORK YEAR GROUP: 5 and 6 TOPIC: Deadly Expeditions TERM: 1 and 2 SCIENCE AND ICT HUMANITIES (History, Geography, RE) PE AND PSHE / Collective Worship link Experiment the affect that salt (sodium chloride) has on ice – observe and note down what you discover. Investigate the water cycle and create a poster or digital movie/presentation about what happens. Research all about ice bergs and create an informative poster – include pictures! Create a ship charter for the crew of the Endurance – what values would have been helpful for them to achieve and work together? Write an acrostic poem using our value ‘FRIENDSHIP’ What activities build up physical endurance when exercising? Make a fitness guide poster. Research different expeditions to Antarctica. How did people survive? Create a ‘How to Survive in Antarctica’ guide. Use Google Earth to map out where the Endurance sailed – make a list of the seas she would have travelled through. Recreate a poster advertising a chance to come aboard the maiden voyage of the brand new passenger liner Titanic. SUPER HERO HOMEWORK English MATHS Create a poem about icebergs and the ice. Use simile and metaphor to create imagery. Write a biography about Captain Scott – this can be word processed. Research technical vocabulary relating to sailing expeditions to the Antarctic. Write a story about being stranded in Antarctica! Measure and large numbers: Find out how many km Shackleton travelled on his expedition in total – can you convert this to miles? Research the monthly average temperatures in UK and Antarctica. Use subtraction to calculate differences. Look at data about Titanic. What % of people on board survived? CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT (Art, Music, Design technology) Create your own iceberg artwork – how can you create light and shade using blending? Create a model of the ship Endurance using Lego or junk modelling.