Advanced Digital Skills for Industry and SMEs


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Presentation transcript:

Advanced Digital Skills for Industry and SMEs Advanced Digital Skills for Industry and SMEs 11th COSME Committee meeting Brussels, 9 October 2018 André Richier GROW.F2 – Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Advanced Digital Skills for Industry and SMEs GRO/SME/19/C/05 The "Skills Agenda for Europe" stresses the importance of digital skills and of sectoral cooperation on skills. The objective of this action is to organise large scale communication and promotion activities in support of the IT profession and the acquisition of relevant digital skills by industry, especially SMEs, in close synergy with the "Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills" and the "Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition", two major initiatives of the "Skills Agenda for Europe", as well as the activities of the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) on IT professionalism in Europe.

Most Difficult to Find IT Skills in Europe Source: IDC’s Worldwide Skills survey, 2017

IT Professionals: Forecast Supply and Demand Source: IDC and empirica, 2018

The Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills A cornerstone of the European Commission’s sectoral strategy for skills development and intelligence Strategic cooperation between key stakeholders and social partners Implemented by European partnerships Four waves of selection of sectors between 2017 and 2020 Pilot implementation of four years Roll-out at national and regional levels

The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition

CEN Technical Committee on Digital Competences and IT Professionalism CEN/TC 428 is responsible for the standardization of a common language of Professional Digital and IT competences, skills and knowledge applied in all sectors. European e-Competence Framework - EN 16234:2016 (e-CF) maintenance and evolution Interaction with different frameworks at international level Foundational bodies of knowledge IT Professional profiles and certifications

Main Focus of the Action (2020-2022) Concrete solutions and best practices related to IT professionalism and the needs of industry and SMEs in liaison with the Blueprint; Promotion of advanced digital skills and IT professionals' jobs, education and training with the organisation of communication activities and events at European, national and regional levels; Cooperation with EU Presidencies, Member States, the national coalitions of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, the EEN and the European Standardisation Committee; Progress towards the recognition of the IT profession in Europe It will build on the experience of the e-Skills for Jobs campaign (2014-2016) and take into account ongoing and planned Pilot and Preparatory Actions.

Further Information Skills for Industry Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Digital competences and ICT Professionalism Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills