Both haematopoietic and non‐haematopoietic compartments are involved in myocarditis development.A.Kaplan‐Meier survival curves showing survival of bone marrow chimeras. Both haematopoietic and non‐haematopoietic compartments are involved in myocarditis development.A.Kaplan‐Meier survival curves showing survival of bone marrow chimeras. Control Stat3WT/WT‐> Stat3WT/WT, black line, n = 14; Stat3C/C‐>Stat3WT/WT, green line, n = 15; Stat3WT/WT‐>Stat3C/C, orange line, n = 9; and control Stat3C/C‐>Stat3C/C, red line, n = 6.B.Representative heart histochemical analysis of mice from (A). Scale bar: 50 µm.C.Heart‐infiltrating CD11b+ cells measured by flow cytometry in mice from (A), shown as mean ± SEM of percentages of CD11b+ cells. Stat3WT/WT‐>Stat3WT/WT (white bars, n = 14); Stat3C/C‐>Stat3WT/WT (grey bars, n = 15); Stat3WT/WT‐>Stat3C/C (dark grey bars, n = 10) and Stat3C/C‐>Stat3C/C (black bars, n = 4).D.Myosin‐specific serum IgG1 levels measured by ELISA in mice from A, shown as mean ± SEM of values expressed as arbitrary units. Bars as in (C), numbers as in (A).E.The relative abundance of the STAT3WT (white bar) and STAT3C (black bar) alleles was measured by SYBR Green real‐time PCR in the blood of transplanted mice at the time of sacrifice.F.IF analysis of C3 deposition in the hearts of mice from (C). Pictures are representative of six mice per group. Scale bar: 50 µm. Annalisa Camporeale et al. EMBO Mol Med. 2013;5:572-590 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend