Networks of Excellence


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Presentation transcript:

Networks of Excellence To strengthen and develop Community scientific and technological excellence by means of integration of research capacities. Implemented by a joint programme of activities aimed at the creation of a self-standing virtual centre of excellence Activities include integration of research, spreading of excellence, dissemination of results, development of joint infrastructures…..

Integrated Projects Designed to address societal needs by mobilising a critical mass of research and technological development. Clearly defined scientific and technological objectives. Comprised of coherent set of component actions dealing with different aspects of the research. Implemented in close coordination Should include take-up of new technologies, particularly by SMEs.

FP6 Initiatives relevant to PROMISE EURIPIDES: European Integrated Project on Intraseasonal-Decadal Ensemble-based Climate Predictions. (Tim Palmer) ENES: European Network for Earth System Modelling (Guy Brasseur) FIDES: Feedback Impacts on the Dynamics of the Earth System (working title!) (David Griggs) AMMA: African Monsoon Multi-disciplinary Analyses (Jean-Luc Redelsperger)