Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 Reformation in England & Counter Reformation 3 Unit Test Study Guide Introduce Renaissance Ball Project 4 Research Day 5 6 Renaissance Ball 9 Renaissance/Reformation Unit Test
Warm Up 10/2/17 Write a thesis statement that argues why the Renaissances did not really happen. (Recap from Friday’s Crash Course video)
Martin Luther & Protestantism 95 Thesis: arguments against Catholic Church indulgences Printing press allowed for Luther’s 95 Thesis to spread across Europe Church told him to recant Luther developed radical new doctrine (practices) Pope Leo X excommunicated him Emperor Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire summoned to the diet (assembly) at the city of Worms
The Diet of Worms Charles V told Luther to recant if not he would be declared an outlaw Outlaw: a crime to gave him food/shelter Many people supported Luther hero
Lutheranism Many people embraced Luther’s ideas because it was answer to Church corruptions Some German princes embraced Luther’s idea for more selfish means Seize church property/land for themselves Peasants Inspired by Luther’s idea began to revolt to end serfdom and demand other changes Luther supported the social order and denounced the peasants’ revolt
John Calvin & Calvinism Swiss reformer challenged Catholic Church Shared many of Luther’s belief New idea: predestination God had determined who would gain salvation (go to heaven) a long time ago World divided into 2 groups: saints & sinners Calvinist saints
England & Henry VIII King Henry VIII – “Defender of the Faith” Award by Pope for not letting England convert to Protestantism Henry VIII – breaks from the Church Wanted a divorce because wife only gave him a daughter Believed no male heir instability for England Catholic Church laws did not allow divorces Henry breaks from Catholic Church & starts his own church
England & Henry VIII Church of England (Anglicanism) Similar to Catholic faith but less strict hierarchy King of England was head of the church instead of Pope
Counter-Reformation Also known as Catholic Reformation Pope Paul III Also known as Catholic Reformation Attempt to reform the Catholic Church from corruption Was a direct result of the Protestant Reformation Tried to bring back Protestant converts Re-emphasized importance of art to convey Catholic teachings