Lesson 40 - Density Centers Working with Density Calculating density Determining density Predicting density
Today’s Activity You are going to go around to a series of 6 different centers in which you are to complete the tasks asked of you You have been given a package that has all of the info and questions that you need to complete You will have the next two classes to complete the 6 different stations
Please!!!!! Make sure that all of the measurements and weights that you figure out are as exact as possible You need to leave the station you were at in the same way you found it. Please clean up any spilled water and collect any bits of paper towel and throw them away DO NOT spill or over fill any of the beakers at the stations please.
The Different Stations Comparing Densities Qualitatively At this station you will be creating a mixture of Canola oil, Hand soap, Rodgers syrup, and Water You will need to see how the fluids react to each other and settle out in the cylinder in order to rank their densities
The Different Stations Comparing Densities Qualitatively
The Different Stations Coke vs. Diet Coke At this station you will have to calculate the different densities of coke and diet coke and use those densities to make a prediction as to which can of pop will sink and which will float in a tank of water
The Different Stations Coke vs. Diet Coke
The Different Stations Equal Mass vs. Different Volume At this station you will have to calculate different densities of different materials and compare them to a density list. Using the list and your calculations, you should be able to identify what material the block was cut from
Equal Mass vs. Different Volume The Different Stations Equal Mass vs. Different Volume
The Different Stations Equal Volume vs. Different Mass At this station you will have to calculate different densities of different materials and compare them to a density list. Using the list and your calculations, you should be able to identify what material the block was cut from
Equal Volume vs. Different Mass The Different Stations Equal Volume vs. Different Mass
The Different Stations Hot vs. Cold and Density balls At this station you will have to compare how water temperature affects the density of water by looking at whether the density balls sink or float. You will be make simple statements regarding density and temperature based on your observations
Hot vs. Cold and Density balls The Different Stations Hot vs. Cold and Density balls
The Different Stations Comparing Densities Quantitatively At this station you will be weighing many of the liquids that we used in the viscosity experiment Based on your calculations of the densities of the liquids, you will need rank them in order of most dense to least dense
Comparing Densities Quantitatively The Different Stations Comparing Densities Quantitatively
The Different Stations Displacement & Graphing Density At this station you will have to weigh and find the volume of 12 different cylinders. Once you have the mass and volume of each, you will need to graph the points and look to see how many different density slopes you can find.
Displacement & Graphing Density The Different Stations Displacement & Graphing Density
Follow the Instructions Follow the instructions at each station very carefully! Be sure to record all of the information you are asked to record Do the steps in the order it asks (there will be no marks taken off for improper predictions so take the time to stop, think, and predict) BE AS EXACT WITH THE MEASURMENTS AS POSSIBLE because the margin off error when marking the centers will be very small
Lets Go To Work!!!
Formulas Here are a couple of formulas you will need: Density = Mass / Volume Volume Rectangle = Base x Width x Height Volume Sphere = 4 x 3.14 x r³ 3