United Nations President Wilson’s idea of a League of Nations was created after WWI but was a complete failure. It lacked enforcement power. Eventually it was dismantled. After World War II the United Nations was formed in 1945 to lead the world to a global peace and prevent future wars.
United Nations The United Nations had it’s hands full as the Cold war lead to wars in Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan. Some criticize the UN as being ineffective as the League of Nations. Lately the UN has been called upon to resolve global conflicts, and civil wars.
United Nations The UN organizations makes it difficult for the it to be effective. The UN Security council has 5 permanent members (U.S., Russia, China, France, and Great Britain) who have veto power over any action of the UN. So events like Rwanda, Darfur, Iraq and today in North Korea have been hard to deal with. Sometimes resolutions by the UN have been ignored.
NATO The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed post WWII in 1949 as an alliance against the Soviets. It allied the U.S. , Great Britain, France, and most of Western Europe against the Soviets. The Cold War lead to a period of distrust amongst the two sides that almost lead to nuclear war.
NATO After the Cold War ended allowing former Soviet Union countries to join was a serious concern. Many felt that countries like Poland Czechoslovakia, and Hungary were too weak. Of major concern was rather or not Russia should join. They would officially join in 1995. Relations are still difficult and trust is still an issue with our former enemy.
NATO A serious test to the coalition was the war that broke out in Bosnia. NATO got involved because of ethnic cleansing that was going on. Lastly, when the British and U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 there was a serious strain on the coalition as many allies didn’t support it. (France, and Germany)
Organizations of American States Org. of American States had to get involved in the coupe in Haiti in 1991. Haiti was the first major conflict that tested the OAS. The purpose of the OAS was to stop military conflict in the Western Hemisphere. With the UN support the OAS pressed for economic sanctions.
Organizations of American States The main support of the OAS came from the United States. Although the OAS originated in Colombia its headquarters was based in Washington D.C. With the financial and military support of the U.S. the OAS wouldn’t have been successful.
Arab League The Arab League was started by several middle east countries. It was created in 1945 with support from the British. Headquarter in the country of Tunis in Africa the organization has had trouble with unity. The issue of Terrorism and the Israeli Palestinian conflict left many nations divided.
Arab League The Arab Leagues also supported the U.S. invasion of Iraq during the Persian gulf war, but later criticized the 2003 invasion. There is still some disorganization in the Arab league and having a consensus to solve problem has been difficult.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) ASEAN was created in 1967 and is made of the countries of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Philippines, and Vietnam to name a few. Economic issues in Southeast Asia has threatened the stability of the region. Also wars that have broken out Vietnam war, and Vietnam-Cambodia war have destabilized the region.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Refugee fleeing the civil war in Cambodia in 1992 test the economics and political toughness of their neighbors. China has been the biggest contributor to establish economic security to these nations. However, China has tried to do things to benefits its economy making some enemies in the region.
International Trade in Weapons Weapons trade has been a big concern for the global community. Countries like Russia who sale arms, and military equipment have raised alarms around the globe. Yet the U.S. has been the biggest players in weapons trade as U.S. weapon companies have sold weapons to controversial contries.