Developing sources of competitive advange in the norwegian travel industry Per Morten Vigtel Biotour startup meeting, 15. September 2016
REISEPOL 2013-2016 15.1 MNOK from the Research Council 4.5 MNOK in cash from partners 4.5 MNOK in dedicated time from partners 24.1 MNOK in total budget
20 partner companies involved in the project Thon Hotels Rica Hotels Rezidor Hotel Group Scandic Hotels Choice Hotels Scandinavia SAS Norwegian Color Line Hurtigruten Group ASA NSB Visit Oslo AS Alpinanleggenes landsforening LO Skistar Norge Fjord Norge NCE Tourism Arena USUS (74 tourism, cultural and creative companies) co VisitSørlandet NHO NHO Reiseliv Avinor
REISEPOL research team Anniken Enger WP1 Scenario Erik Jakobsen WP2 Productivity Kirsti Hjemdahl WP2 Competence Tor Helge Aas WP3 Innovation Marit Engeset WP4 Digital packaging Kåre Sandvik Head PL & WP5 Return on Marketing
Main objectives New and relevant research evidence the companies in the tourism industry can use to improve their competitive advantage in the international tourist markets (to gain international market shares!). To become a research based platform for growth oriented public policy for the travel industry
WP4 Competitive packages The Project Ambitions WP2 Tourism Management WP3 Innovation WP4 Competitive packages WP5 Return on Marketing Norwegian tourism best on labour productivtity Norway becomes a high quality destination and recognized for at least 5 vacation categories Norway becomes leading in digital packaging Norway best on «Return on Marketing» WP1 Scenarios 2025
Two premisses for user driven research It is important to distinguish between to «do research on» vs to «do research for». User driven research implies that the users define topics and research questions that the research address in their research This presupposes a genuine commitment from the companies and their top management. Important that they contribute with facts, data and formulate their knowledge and research needs
Organizing for effective user driven managment The establishment of a research secretariat the consists of a partner companies representative (i.e., the secretariat leder of Forum for Reiseliv) and leaders of the research project. Meetings at least twice a month. The establishment of project groups of both researches and partner companies representatives. REISEPOL has been a central topic on every board meetings in Forum for Reiseliv. REISEPOL’s head of research has participated at all board meetings.
Project Structure User-Driven Management Research Deliveries Steering Committee Research Team Scenario WP1 Scenario Research Team Tourism Management og Open Innovation WP2 Tourism Managment WP3 Open Innovation Research Team Packaging and International sales and marketing WP4 Digital Travel Packages WP5 International Sales and Marketing Research secretariat PMV/KS User-Driven Management Research Deliveries
Conclusion The REISEPOL discussions in the board meetings have been the most effective ones. This has been the arena for Norway’s 15 largest travel companies and organizations in travel and tourism. The two first years were dominated by multiple meetings in project groups for each of the working packages (WPs). Middle managers met in these meetings together with the researchers. The experience shows the importance that decision makers are present and participate in discussions It can be concluded that REISEPOL and the dialogue among researchers and travel industry executives have had of great value, both commercially and for public policy.