Performance of household heat pump and battery How does a hybrid heat pump perform compared to a condensing boiler, using identical demand patterns? What is the effect of installing an electric battery in a house? An experimental setup at EnTranCe is used to run a heat pump following a near-real time demand pattern from a real house. This project simulates the performance of a house with a heat pump and an electric battery system. The project intends to answer the following questions: . What is the performance of a heat pump compared to a standard condensing boiler, in terms of: CO2 emissions (kg CO2) Cost (€) Efficiency What is the effect on net grid load when an electric battery system is installed in a house with solar panels? Figure 1 – Experimental setup of heat pump at EnTranCe Heat consumption Electricity consumption and production Near real-time measurements of electricity consumption and production at a real house with solar panels are taken. The electricity demand of a heat pump located at EnTranCe is also measured. A computer model simulates the net load on the electric grid on a one- minute basis. A household electric battery system is modelled to determine its effect on net grid load. Near-real time measurements of gas consumption at a real house are used to derive a heat pattern. An experimental setup at EnTranCe runs a heat pump using this same demand pattern. Near-real time software analyzes and displays data. Figure 2 – Comparison of heat supply and net electricity demand in a house with a condensing boiler vs a house with a heat pump Figure 3 – Simulated effect on net grid load when installing an electric battery system in a household To determine the CO2 emissions of a heat pump relative to a condensing boiler, including indirect emissions from power plants. To determine the temperature dependent operating efficiency of the heat pump. To determine the operating costs of the heat pump relative to a condensing boiler. To estimate the effect of installing household battery systems. Ir. Gerard Nanninga is a researcher and instrucutor at Hanze UAS. He is currently pursuing his PhD in system control and optimization techniques. . Douwe Zijlstra is a Bachelor student currently working on his thesis project in system control techniques. Christian van Someren is a researcher at the Hanze UAS and specializes in modeling future energy scenarios. Figure 5 – Initial CO2 emissions results from the analysis Gerard Nanninga; Christian van Someren; Douwe Zijlstra