The Mongol Empire
Background Nomadic Tribal organization Two social classes- aristocrats and commoners Religion- Shamanism Religious pluralism Outstanding Calvary forces; military power
Genghis Khan Khan = Ruler Organized federation of tribes Unified Mongol tribes Broke up tribal affiliations Chose high officials based on talent and loyalty Est. capital at Karakorum Conquest of N. China and Persia (Khwarazm)
Division of Empire Heirs divide into 4 regional kingdoms (Khanates)
China: Yuan Dynasty Est. Khubilai Khan (grandson) Restored Chinese govt/unifed China Direct rule /Bureaucracy Tolerated all cultural/religious traditions Ended exam system
New Social Hierarchy Mongols; foreigners; northern Chinese; Southern Chinese Stimulation of trade Favored merchants & peasants over elites Gov’t tax collectors
Mongol Women Remained independent No foot binding Rights to property
Middle East Created two khanates Ilkhanate of Persia & Khanate Of Jagadai Tax Farming – Govt sold contracts to merchants who would bring in the most revenue; merchants collect taxes and keep anything over contracted amount Destroyed numerous cities- Baghdad 1258 Ghazan converted to Islam in 1295
Russia “The Golden Horde” Russia divided into numerous kingdoms centered on trade cities Conquered by-Batu Ruled from afar- used Orthodox Church and Russian princes to help ruler Moscow – center of Russian civ.
Over-taxation by Russian princes- peasants enter serfdom (Moscow) Mongol rule reinforced cultural isolation from western Europe