The new 3rd/4th grade teacher Ms. Birnbaum The new 3rd/4th grade teacher
Don’t lose Library Books Helps to support the students and staff in their quest for Information and Media Literacy. Students come weekly as a class as well as other times when needed. Students learn to use library resources such as the catalogue Students use their skills to locate needed information for school as well as personal uses. Students are encouraged to select ‘free choice’ books for pleasure reading. The 4th graders must choose one book on their tested reading level Don’t lose Library Books
Reading Students are tested on their Reading Level in multiple ways: BRI – out loud to me; SRI – silently on own 4th Grade Level text each week Real Life stories Questioning about reading builds comprehension and understanding…makes connections
Assignments Reading Logs James Travis 150 50 600 200 5,400 1,800 reads 30 minutes per night, 5 times per week Travis reads 10 minutes per night, 5 times per week...or not at all In one week: 150 minutes of reading 50 In one month: 600 200 In one school year: 5,400 1,800 Which student would you expect to read better? Which student would you expect to know more? Which student would you expect to write better? Which student would you expect to have a better vocabulary? Which student would you expect to be more successful in school and life? How do you think each student will feel about himself as a learner?
Assignments Every Week Reading Logs 150minutes per week Backside filled out based on one of the books read – 2-3 sentences per response – Please correct spelling errors! Reading Log filled out completely Over 175 minutes, with backside filled out correctly = 4 In class minutes when possible Read OUT LOUD when possible – students develop stronger reading skills because they hear their mistakes and correct them
Set Due Dates (usually 3-4 weeks out) Assignments Set Due Dates (usually 3-4 weeks out) Study Island About 2+ parts to each assignment Must demonstrate 70% mastery or above Redo each part if not 70% mastery 70%-80% mastery = 3 90% mastery = 3.5 100% mastery = 4 Easy way to improve overall grade Helps practice skills and prepare for state testing No games until all parts of current assignment are complete!
Writing Exploration of a variety of writing for various purposes and audiences such as personal narratives, persuasive and expository writing, poetry, research, and letters Focus on 6-Traits model Emphasize writing process, meeting deadlines, and using trait-based rubrics
The focus for 6th grade social studies includes: Curriculum The focus for 6th grade social studies includes: Geography skills Current Events Human impact on geography
Social Studies Projects Assignments Set Due Dates Social Studies Projects Follow rubrics Prezi, PowerPoint, Poster Presentations Projects
Math Math is where things get different (in a good way!) for my class! I want to clarify: I only teach the 4th graders during Math instruction. My 3rd graders are split between Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Hammerl to receive 3rd grade Math instruction. In Math, we are working on comparing fractions using different strategies to solve. During WIN time, or Response to Intervention, or Intervention (in this context they all mean the same thing) I have all my 3rd graders and a selection of 4th graders from the entire grade. During this time, we work on building our multiplication fluency by learning strategies to solve multiplication equations.
Science In science, the 4th grade students are currently presenting their Animal Report Projects to the rest of the class. Instruction is for BOTH 3rd and 4th grade! We are learning about changes to Earth’s surface and the landforms found on Earth. Together we are watching short clips depicting the changes found in our text and then following a class discussion we record our notes in our folders.
HOW CAN YOU HELP YOUR STUDENT ? Spot check homework!! Point out inaccuracies but let the student correct the assignments themselves. Encourage your student to look up what they do not know (internet, older siblings, encyclopedias or other informative texts). Ask your student to discuss and explain what they learned in class each day, according to the agenda notes. Talk about how important it is to develop into a strong reader and writer. Have your student READ OUT LOUD any of their writing, including the back of their reading logs so they catch mistakes.
Assignments Plan I do my best to provide MORE than enough time to complete all homework assignments. Help your child to organize their time and complete assignments early so that they are not overwhelmed right before a due date. Suggestions: Read additional minutes on weekends Complete one Study Island assignment each day or on weekends Start early on all additional projects throughout the year
Our students are not yet independent. They still Help without hovering Help your student in the following ways: Time management Focus on purpose/following directions Proofreading (but not altering assignments) Monitoring the agenda Problem solving Our students are not yet independent. They still need support in these areas to continue learning how to be responsible citizens.
Class Websites Now for a quick tour of my classroom website! I plan on uploading new content to each subject as we learn new concepts. This will typically occur Friday evenings. I will ALWAYS post extra copies of homework, rubrics and assignment Information with all new assignments.