Aging and Adult Current Issues HSFO Annual Conference July 30, 2014
Aging Fast Facts - General “In the next 25 years, America’s senior population will double.” (America’s Health Rankings Report) “1/3rd of seniors are economically insecure.” (National Council on Aging) “Despite some pockets of progress, aging experts and demographers say the USA is “hugely behind” in readying for the onslaught of aging adults, fueled by the 76.4 million-member Baby Boom generation.” (USA Today)
Aging Fast Facts - Hunger “Senior Hunger has doubled since 2001.” (National Council on Aging) The National Council on Aging estimates that 5.2 million or 61% of eligible adults are missing out on SNAP. The number of meals provided nationally through Administration on Aging programs fell by 8.1% from 2010 to 2012. (ACL AGID)
Aging Fast Facts - Health Care “The increasing number of older adults, combined with increasing rates of obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases, are on track to overwhelm our health care system.” (America Health Rankings Report) “65% of Seniors report having at least two chronic health conditions.” (United States of Aging Survey) “More than 80% of seniors have NOT received guidance in the past year to develop an action plan for managing their health care needs” (United States of Aging Survey)
Aging and Adult Current Issues Panelists Matt Onstott, Deputy Director, Medical Assistance Division, NM Human Services Department Cathy Rossberg, Director for Business Development, Wellpoint Thomas Wilfong, Vice President Dual Eligible Programs, Wellpoint
Aging and Adult Current Issues What are some states doing? What are providers doing? What are local communities doing? How can we increase collaboration? How can we save $$? How can we improve services? How can we prepare for the present? future? What are some strategies to accomplish the many goals of serving Aging and Adults?