"When you fall, pick something up." 1/12/2019 Title: Anat & Phys 3/7/07 Objectives: . Class Topics Comparative anatomy - Stomach Video “Eating to Live” "When you fall, pick something up." Oswald Avery Saturday, January 12, 2019 6:57 AM
Class Assignments Due this class period Due next class period 1/12/2019 Class Assignments What By When Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future
1/12/2019 Gastrin Review
Ruminant Digestion 4 chambered stomach Reticulum Rumen Omasum abomasum 1/12/2019 Ruminant Digestion 4 chambered stomach Reticulum Rumen Omasum abomasum
1/12/2019 Other examples Rabbits Horses
Video Fat and Happy Eating to Live Complete the worksheet 1/12/2019 Video Fat and Happy Complete the worksheet Eating to Live Make a note of the different areas of the digestive tract throughout the video