Euro-Topten: Fast selection, best choice Eight TOPTEN websites on line presenting a selection of best products available in given countries. 13 websites in total as new countries have joined. Market stimulation: competition for large buyers and product exhibition for manufacturers. Dissemination activities (websites, media coverage, partnerships consumer organisations, press releases, newsletters) 2,7 M visitors, 9,3 if all countries included: convincing manufacturers through multinational pressure that a demand exists for efficient products.
Milestones January 06 Kick-off October 06 9 national Topten online Sept 08 13 Topten on-line Exhibition Best Topten products and best initiatives 2009 Start of Euro-Topten Plus 20 partners, focus on procurement and office equipment
Partners ADEME France WWF France Motiva Finland WWF Belgium WWF EPO Belgium Ecofys The Netherlands WWF Italy AEA Austria FEWE Poland WWF Hungary Wuppertal Inst, Germany Many supporters including SAFE Switzerland, consumer and environmental organi-sations across Europe Partners Global site targeted for institutional communication and lobbying (and not for consumers) We plan to develop the best of Europe (best appliances all over Europe): To show the energy efficiency potentials to politicians, EC, Industry and scientists
Contacts See Proposal Chapter 4.4 Performance indicators page 45