World Development Report 2013 The World Bank 3/13/2012 Moving jobs to center stage1
2Main messages World Development Report 2013 The World Bank
3 The jobs challenge World Development Report 2013 The World Bank Jobs challenges are huge
4The jobs challenge World Development Report 2013 The World Bank A job does not always come with a wage
Source: WDR 2013 team based on ILO dataSource: WDR 2013 team South Asia, Africa, and East Asia and the Pacific face significant youth bulges Alarming levels of youth idleness and unemployment 5The jobs challenge World Development Report 2013 The World Bank
6Part I World Development Report 2013 The World Bank I. Jobs are transformational
7Jobs are transformational World Development Report 2013 The World Bank Jobs get better with development
8Jobs are transformational World Development Report 2013 The World Bank Jobs drive development
Source: Covarrubias and others 2012 for the WDR 2013 Jobs are the main source of household income 9Jobs and living standards
Source: Inchauste and others 2012 for the WDR 2013 Jobs take households out of poverty 10Jobs and living standards
Source: Inchauste and others 2012 for the WDR 2013, Azevedo and others 2012 for the WDR 2013 Jobs account for much of the decline in extreme poverty 11Jobs and living standards
Job creation and destruction happen everywhere 12Jobs and productivity World Development Report 2013 The World Bank Source: WDR 2013 team based on Bartelsman, Haltiwanger, and Scarpetta (2009), and Shiferaw and Bedi (2010).
The employment share of microenterprises is greater in developing countries 13Jobs and productivity
Source: Wietzke and McLeod 2012 for the WDR 2013 Jobs are correlated with civic engagement 14Jobs and social cohesion Active membership and lack of a JobActive membership and motivating Job
Jobs influence collective decision-making processes 15Jobs and social cohesion
16 Part II World Development Report 2013 The World Bank II.What are good jobs for development?
17Valuing jobs Individual and social valuations of jobs often differ
18Valuing jobs World Development Report 2013 The World Bank Some jobs do more for development
A typology of jobs challenges 19Diverse jobs agendas
Agendas connected by the migration of workers 20Connected jobs agendas World Development Report 2013 The World Bank Source: WDR 2013 team based on Özden and others (2011).
Agendas connected by the migration of jobs Manufacturing jobs have migrated – are services next? 21Connected jobs agendas World Development Report 2013 The World Bank Source: WDR 2013 team based on data from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Where will Chinas jobs in light manufacturing go as labor costs increase?
22 World Development Report 2013 The World Bank III. Policies through the jobs lens Part III
Policies through the jobs lens23 World Development Report 2013 The World Bank Three distinct layers of policies are needed
24Beyond labor policies
25 World Development Report 2013 The World Bank Global partnerships for jobs Rights and standards: pressure goes only so far Further liberalizing investments, but managing the tradeoffs Migration policies: toward bilateral agreements Jobs are center stage, but where are the numbers?
The difficult questions26 World Development Report 2013 The World Bank Key policy questions addressed through the Report But the 1st question is: what is a job? And the answer is not trivial 2 Growth strategies or jobs strategies? 3 Can entrepreneurship be fostered? 4 Can policies contribute to social cohesion? 5 Skills or jobs – what comes first? 6 A targeted investment climate? 7 Competing for jobs? 8 Protecting workers or protecting jobs? 9 How can job reallocation be accelerated?
27The jobs challenge World Development Report 2013 The World Bank What is a job?
28Follow up World Development Report 2013 The World Bank To continue the dialogue on what it takes to create good jobs for development join the interactive Jobs Knowledge Platform at: To download the World Development Report 2013: Jobs, its background papers, databases and explanatory videos, visit: