Topic 2 Information Report
2. Text structures of knowledge structures (pp.15-16) Information reports Process descriptions, Procedures Comparison-contrast texts Process explanations, Factorial explanations Arguments, Persuasions, Discussions, Recommendations Classification; Definition; Description; Exemplification Sequence Comparison-contrast Cause-effect; Sequence Evaluation; Comparison-contrast; Exemplification;
2. Knowledge structures (content) Text structures (language) Photosynthesis is the process by which… Knowledge structures Text structures Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make food. …
What are living things made up of? Purpose & Knowledge Structures Purpose: To give information about what living things are made up of Knowledge structures: definition + description + exemplification Graphics: =; pictures; table
What are living things made up of? Text Structure Paragraph 1: to define living things by cells [The basic units of living things are cells.] Paragraph 2: to give more information about living things and cells [one cell: single-celled organisms] Paragraph 3: to give more information about living things and cells [many cells different types; each type of cells has a function] Paragraph 1: a definition of cells to tell what living things are Paragraphs 2-3: descriptions of more details Information Report [Definition^ (Specific) Descriptions^ Summary (optional)]
What are living things made up of? Text structure & Language use Definition of living things What are living things made up of? Text structure & Language use Language of definition (verbs) Content obligatory vocabulary What are living things made up of? The basic units of living things are cells. Cells make up all living things just like the plastic toy bricks making up a toy house. Some tiny living things, such as Amoeba and bacteria, are made up of only one cell. They are called single-celled organisms. Other living things, such as plants and animals (including humans), are made up of more than one cell. For example, the human body is made up of about 100 trillion (100,000,000,000,000) cells, of more than 200 types. Each type of cell has a different shape and special functions. Language to give examples (prepositional phrases) Language to describe (adjs, quantifiers) Specific descriptions
What are living things made up of? Summary Purpose: to give information of what living things are made up of Structure: to organise the text to provide first a definition then specific descriptions of living things as defined by cells Language use: language of definition (verbs), language of description (adjectives, quantifiers), language to give examples (prepositional phrases) Content obligatory language of definition+ description + exemplification (information report) + content-obligatory vocabulary