Welcome to your assembly about Individual Liberty Please watch the video very carefully. You may remember it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb-wM_SAX30 12/01/2019 Nurturing every child to grow and flourish in Christ
What is happening in this picture? Choice Freedom Tolerance Equality Harmony Respect 12/01/2019 Nurturing every child to grow and flourish in Christ
Who is this man and why is he so important? 12/01/2019 Nurturing every child to grow and flourish in Christ
Nurturing every child to grow and flourish in Christ Up until the 1960s, African Americans in some states of the United States could not vote in elections. There were separate sections for African Americans on public transport, parks, restaurants and even separate toilets. In some states, African-American children were denied an education or had to go to separate schools from their white friends. These schools were often poorly funded and equipped. 12/01/2019 Nurturing every child to grow and flourish in Christ
Nurturing every child to grow and flourish in Christ Rosa Parks Sitting on the Bus It was on December 1, 1955 that Rosa made her famous stand (while sitting) on the bus. Rosa had settled in her seat on the bus after a hard day's work. All the seats on the bus had filled up when a white man boarded. The bus driver told Rosa and some other African-Americans to stand up. Rosa refused. The bus driver said he would call the police. Rosa didn't move. Soon the police showed up and Rosa was arrested. 12/01/2019 Nurturing every child to grow and flourish in Christ
Nurturing every child to grow and flourish in Christ I Have A Dream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkVnQHiLyXQ 12/01/2019 Nurturing every child to grow and flourish in Christ
LET US LEARNT O LIVE TOGETHER IN HARMONY 12/01/2019 Nurturing every child to grow and flourish in Christ