Vocab Unit 2 Miss Swanson LOVES vocabulary so much she even made you slides for when she’s out!
Adjourn (v) To stop proceedings for a time
Adjourn (v) The judged adjourned court for the day because they had been in hearings for 8 hours straight.
Alien (n. and adj) N. a citizen of another country. Adj. foreign, strange
Alien (n and adj) President Obama and the governor from Arizona had strong words because of their differing beliefs about the illegal alien laws Arizona was trying to pass.
Comely (adj) Attractive, good looking
Comely (adj) Some people think that Johnny Depp has a comely appearance, but I kind of think he looks like a rat.
Compensate (v) To pay for service To make up for
Compensate (v) My brother broke the kickstand of my bike and tried to compensate for it by building me a new kickstand. I think he needs to compensate me in cash instead.
Dissolute (adj) Loose in one’s morals or behavior
Dissolute (adj) There is always a right path and a wrong path. The dissolute people will always choose the wrong path.
Erratic (adj) Not regular or consistent undependable
Erratic (adj) This man is an erratic driver. He was all over the road, slowing down and speeding up, swerving all over the place.
Expulsion (n) Driving out or forcing out
Expulsion (n) When a player gets a red card in soccer, he faces expulsion from the field.
Feint (n and v) A deliberately deceptive movement To make a deceptive movement
Feint (n and v) I feinted my jab to throw my opponent off guard and then I let him have it with my right hook!
Fodder (n) Food for horses or cattle
Fodder (n) In the town where Miss Swanson is from, you can see fodder like this for the cows all up and down the country roads.
Fortify (v) To strengthen To build up
Fortify (v) You can fortify your bones by working out with weights.