Industrialization and Imperialism Review Test tomorrow!
Industrialization vocab Industrialization – process of changing society to focus on manufacturing (building factories) Urbanization – People move from the countryside to cities Entrepreneur – person who starts their own business Abolition – get rid of something (slavery) Laizze-faire – The government should stay out of business Urban – relating to cities Tenements – our first type of apartment building Enclosure – fencing in a farm (creating smaller farms)
Review answers 1. Transition to a manufacturing society in the 1800’s 2. Land, Labor, Capital 3. cities had more jobs (factories) 4. Population grew, created jobs, cities got messy, life was dangerous 5. poor working and living conditions, child labor, disease, crime 6. trade increased, nations rose in power, technological advancements 7. child labor reforms, abolition of slavery, and women’s rights
Imperialism vocab Imperialism – when a strong country dominates a weak country politically, economically, and socially Racism – belief that one race is better than the rest The Berlin Conference – When European leaders met to divide up Africa (Africa was not there) Paternalism – treating people like you’re their father Raj – When the British ruled India Sepoys – Indian soldiers Annexation – to add as a State Assimilation – to force a group to change their culture Minerals – gold, silver, diamonds (what the Europeans really wanted from Africa)
Imperialism answers 1. Britain, America, France, German, Spain 2. Africa Their mineral resources The Maji sprinkled magic water on them but they all died (machine guns) It was their most prized country they owned The Indian soldiers rebelled against the British, but they lost Spain vs the US Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines