Your Title / Topic Here Food Related Disease and Disorder…….. Team Name Team Members Names (Max = 4 / team) Date 100 points for Presentation Subject Matter and Organization 50 Points Individual Oral Presentation
Table of Contents 1 Introduction…Description of Disease/Disorder and its relation to Food 2 - 3 Them: Definition of People that are affected, Signs, Symptoms, 4 - 5 Them: Demographics How many, age, race, ethnicity, region, country, Family 6 – 8 Etiology: Cause of the Disease / Disorder 9 – 10 Physiology, Too little, Too much Physiology of Patient 11 - 12 Treatment: Current 13 - 14 Research / Programs that could lead to Future Treatment 15 Summary / Conclusions 16 References
1. Topic Section Etiology Genetic Food Deficiency / Excessively Data State / describe (3 -5 bullet points) Data Example Picture Graph Import, 3 or less examples, facts, pictures, graphs that depict, emphasize / underscore your personal consumption How What When Where Who Why?
Summary / Conclusions
Websites and Research Cited [MLA Format] References 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12