Overlap between in vitro donor antihost and in vivo posttransplantation TCR Vβ use: a new paradigm for designer allogeneic blood and marrow transplantation by Thea M. Friedman, Kira Goldgirsh, Stephanie A. Berger, Jenny Zilberberg, Joanne Filicko-O'Hara, Neal Flomenberg, Michele Donato, Scott D. Rowley, and Robert Korngold Blood Volume 112(8):3517-3525 October 15, 2008 ©2008 by American Society of Hematology
Representative CDR3-size spectratype analysis of a Vβ family from 3 donor/patient pairs. Representative CDR3-size spectratype analysis of a Vβ family from 3 donor/patient pairs. Spectratype histograms were generated from donor PBLs, the MLC, and 2 posttransplantation samples for each Vβ shown. The area under each peak matching the PCR basepair (bp) product length is determined by the software program as described in “CDR3-size spectratype analysis” and is indicated in the table as a percentage of the total histogram. A peak within a spectratype is compared with its corresponding peak in the donor sample and is considered to be skewed (indicated in bold italics) if the percentage area is at least 2-fold that of the donor. Thea M. Friedman et al. Blood 2008;112:3517-3525 ©2008 by American Society of Hematology