Wednesday August 23, 2017 (Discussion – The Crime Lab; Video Snippets – Forensics Basics; Lab Safety Activity)
The Daily CSI Case Summary Wednesday, 8/23/17 Case #1 – The Old Man Can You Solve It? The Daily CSI Wednesday, 8/23/17 Case Summary An old man lives alone in a house. Because of his age, he is not able to move comfortably and hence most of the things he needs have to be delivered to his home. On Friday while delivering the mail, the postman senses something suspicious and tries to look inside through the key hole. He sees the blood-covered body of the old man laying on the floor. CSI arrives at the scene. On the front porch of the house they find two bottles of warm milk, Tuesday’s newspaper, some unopened mail, and some gifts. CSI wastes no time in finding the murderer. Who was it? The newspaper delivery man was the murderer. Why? There were no newspapers from Wednesday and Thursday. This indicates that the newspaper delivery man already knew that there was no one to read it.
You should now have your science binder! Announcements You should now have your science binder!
F1 F2 F3 n/a Friday Last Day Accepted Science Class Information Sheet Assignment Currently Open Summative or Formative # Date Issued Gone Missing Day Last Day Accepted Science Class Information Sheet F1 8/21/17 Yesterday (-10%) Friday Science Class Procedures and Expectations F2 Today Flinn Scientifics' Lab Safety Contract F3 Science Binder n/a
The Crime Lab The first crime lab was created in 1923 within the Los Angeles Police Department. The next was in Chicago in 1929 after the St. Valentines Day Massacre. Calvin Goddard linked the killings to Al Capone. In 1932 Goddard helped the FBI to establish the first federal forensics laboratory.
The Crime Lab Crime lab services depend on the size and budget of the lab. Some may only provide basic services and outsource sophisticated testing to larger regional labs. The FBI Crime Lab offer services throughout the country. Larger labs may have separate departments while others may combine services.
Video: Anderson Cooper 360: The CSI Effect Video: The Bomber on the Roof html
Science Safety Activity