Exploring Globalization INTRODUCING THE STUDENT TEXTBOOK Exploring Globalization
Key Issue: To what extent should we embrace globalization?
INTRODUCING THE TEXTBOOK Prologue p. 1, read as far as the end of the section entitled “What is Globalization? Activity Icon – Let’s look at the questions. What is the key idea of this section?
INTRODUCING THE TEXTBOOK Definitions of Globalization Highly negative – Highly positive
INTRODUCING THE TEXTBOOK Look at Figure P-1, page 2. Which definition of globalization do you think the people in the photograph would support? Explain the reasons for your judgment.
INTRODUCING THE TEXTBOOK Perspectives on Globalization, takes an issues-focused, inquiry based approach to the topic of globalization. Key Issue: To what extent should we embrace globalization? (This is an issue question.) What makes something an issue? People may respond to an issue question in different ways; no single, correct answer can be given; responding to the question requires people to gather information and think carefully; an answer, decision, or action is required. Example of a non-issue: ‘Is the sky blue?’. It is not an issue…it is a fact, a known truth that cannot be debated.
INTRODUCING THE TEXTBOOK HOMEWORK Next day…… Complete the following worksheet – (individually) Getting to know Exploring Globalization Questions 1-8.