Developmental Biology Embryology is the comparative study of the development of different organisms Gene expression is Temporal - genes expressed in relation to time Spatial - genes expressed in relation to place in organism
Gene Regulation in Bacteria Bacteria adapt to changes in their surroundings by using regulatory proteins to turn groups of genes on and off in response to various environmental signals The DNA of Escherichia coli is sufficient to encode about 4000 proteins, but only a fraction of these are made at any one time. E. coli regulates the expression of many of its genes according to the food sources that are available to it.
The lac operon The best understood cell system for explaining control through genetic induction is the lac operon Jacob & Monod (1961) - regulation of lactose metabolism in E.coli Composed of 3 segments (GENES), or loci of DNA: The REGULATOR - composed of gene that codes for a repressor protein which can repress the operon. The OPERATOR - can start transcription of the structural genes The STRUCTURAL - contains structural genes encoding the enzyme b-galactosidase
Embryonic development
Differentiation of cells into tissues and organs Fertilisation produces zygote Zygote divides by mitosis to produce ball of cells (blastula – stem cells) Ball of cells undergoes changes to give form to the developing organism with tissues and organs Cells become specialised and differentiated Controlled by genes being 'on' or 'off'
Neuralation - neural tissues form including brain and spinal cord Cell migration - cells move to specific sites for tissue development Organogenesis - basic body form completed, tissues and organs develop. Growth - embryo grows Future - birth and growth to maturity Dynamic and interactive process between cells
Vertebrate embryonic development Cleavage - zygote divides giving blastomere Blastula - hollow ball of cells Gastrulation - ball of cells folds in on itself, germ layers formed, symmetry fixed Ectoderm - skin, epidermis(nails, skin glands), sense receptors, cornea/lens, nervous system, etc. Endoderm - lining of digestive tract and respiratory system, liver, pancreas, thyroid, thymus, etc. Mesoderm - spinal cord, skeleton, muscles, circulatory/excretory/reproductive systems, lining of body cavity.
Fruit Flies (Drosophila melanogaster)
Maternal effect genes Gap genes Pair rule genes Segmentation genes
Fruit fly head development