How to Register as a Fundraiser Sunday May 5th 2013
Step One Open an internet browser i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome. Step Two In the above address bar type: Step Three Press the Enter key or press the search button on your internet browser. At this point you will be on the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care website and ready to proceed to the next slide.
Step Four Scroll down the page and select Step Five You will now be advanced to the main Hike Fundraising Page. On the main page you will see a button to register. Click this button to continue to a pop up screen where you can select the province of your site. ** Please note, if you have already used the fundraising website in the past, you do not need to create a new account. Instead, skip down to the Second Page of the presentation called “How to Use the Fundraising Site”
Step Six Once you see the pop up, click on the province where your hike site is located to pop down an “accordion” of selections. Choose the hospice you will be hiking for. Step Seven You are now on the webpage for your individual hike site. This page includes details of the location. To register as a fundraiser for this location please press the button.
Step Eight You will now see your progress at the top of the screen Step Eight You will now see your progress at the top of the screen. In this step please take a moment to read the waiver and when complete please check the and to proceed click the button. Step Nine Please select how you will be participating in this event by selecting the button that applies to you. If complete please select the button. **Note should you need to change any detail on a previous page please select the Button until you reach the correct page
Step Ten Please fill in all the boxes and select the button Step Ten Please fill in all the boxes and select the button. *Please note, if your site has a registration fee, you will be asked to provide credit card details to pay for your fee in a later step. If your site does not have a registration fee, this option will not exist. To register as a team you may search by the Team Name, Captain’s First name or Captain’s Last Name. Fill in one box accordingly and press the search button when complete. **Note if your team or captain is not found you may try your search again or press the other register type buttons to join as an individual or create a team**
Insert a team name, description and fundraising goal into the boxes. Ensure the appropriate check boxes are selected and proceed to the next step using the Button
Step Eleven You have two options for this step Step Eleven You have two options for this step. You may: Or you can simply fill in all of the boxes on the screen. Step Twelve In either instance you will need to create an account by filling in the boxes below.
Step Thirteen Please fill in the additional information by answering the questions below: Enter your fundraising goal amount. This amount can be adjusted later. You can choose to add a donation at this point. If you do not wish to add a donation, skip this step. Read and check boxes that apply to you. Ensure the appropriate check boxes are selected and proceed to the next step using the Button
Step Fourteen Review your information submitted and confirm your registration: If everything is correct click the button:
Step Fifteen You may now customize your personal fundraising page Step Fifteen You may now customize your personal fundraising page. Start by updating the name of your personal fundraising page. Do so by: You can now customize any of the other information you want viewable on your page. Entering your name into the text field. Whenever you send out your fundraising page it will now say “Sponsor Jane Doe” You can change the message that people will see when they access your fundraising website or you can leave it as the pre-set message.
Step Fifteen - Continued You can continue to customize your personal fundraising page. If you have a favourite video that you want added to your page, click on the Videos tab and the video uploader will appear. Please note, videos must be on YouTube before they can be added to your page. If you have a video that you would like to use that is not on YouTube, please go to YouTube at, create an account and upload the video. To proceed to add a video, click the Add A Video button. You will then be redirected to an area where you can paste your YouTube link
Step Fifteen - Continued You can continue to customize your personal fundraising page. Paste the previously copied YouTube link into the text box. To do this, you can either place your cursor in the text box and hit the “Ctrl” and “V” keys at the same time, OR you can hold your cursor over the text box and click your “Right” Mouse Button. A drop down menu will appear. Select the option to “Paste”. If paste does not appear, ensure that you have copied the link correctly. Once pasted into the text box, click the Add Button. You will then be redirected to a page where you can upload details about the video. Add a Title and a Descriptive Message to the video. If you are adding more than one video and this is the video you want play as your default, click the check box. When complete, click Save
Step Fifteen - Continued You can continue to customize your personal fundraising page. When uploaded your video will appear in the box. You can edit the video or delete the video if necessary by using the control listed beside the video. If you would like to add additional videos, click Add A Video and repeat the previous steps. When done uploading videos you can choose to View your Page to see what it will look like. If you have nothing additional to add to your page, select Continue Registration If you are done adding videos but wish to add images, DO NOT select Continue Registration, but instead, select the Images Tab.
Step Fifteen - Continued You can continue to customize your personal fundraising page. If you wish to add additional photos to your page, you’ll need to be in the Images Tab. You will notice that there is already one image in your archive. This is the default photo. You can leave this photo in your archive and add additional photos of your choice. To add additional Images, click the Add an Image button. After selecting Add An Image Button, you will be redirected to where you can select your image. Press the Browse button, locate where you have saved the Image and select it to enter it into the text box. When complete, select the Upload button.
If you are done customizing your page you can select the button Step Fifteen - Continued You can continue to customize your personal fundraising page. Add a Title and Description of your Image. When Complete, hit the save button. If you would like to add a widget to your page, select the Widgets Tab before selecting the Continue Registration button. Your image has now been added. To add additional images, repeat the previous steps. If you are done customizing your page you can select the button
You have now customized your page. Please select the button Step Fifteen - Continued You can continue to customize your personal fundraising page. A widget is a way of tracking you donations as you complete your goal. Your default widget is a Thermometer, but you can change it to a Pie Chart if you’d rather. When you have selected the widget you like, click save You have now customized your page. Please select the button to move on to the next step of the registration.
Step Sixteen You can now start fundraising Step Sixteen You can now start fundraising!! You have two options for this step. You may send e-mails by selecting one of the following two options: Or you can simply share with Social Media Sites by clicking the button below:
Step Sixteen If you selected Option One under the E-mail Option, the system will generate an email to your personal email account. From there, you can use your own email system to send the invitation out to your friends/family/contacts. After pressing the “Just Email Me” button, you will receive a link to your fundraising page that you can forward to anyone that you would like to ask to sponsor you in your Hike.
Step Sixteen If you selected Option Two under the E-mail Option, the system will send and invitation out to your friends/family/contacts on your behalf. To use this option, you must fill out the following information and then Click Send Email: An automatically generated message will be emailed to your contacts directing them to the link of your fundraising page. If you choose this option, you may also elect to upload your email’s address book to the site. Press the Contacts button and follow the steps to access your personal contacts.
Step Seventeen You will then be redirected to a page where you will see: From there, you can click the button to access your fundraising page.
How to use the Fundraising Site Sunday May 5th 2013
Step One Open an internet browser i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome. Step Two In the above address bar type: Step Three Press the Enter key or press the search button on your internet browser. At this point you will be on the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care website and ready to proceed to the next slide.
Step Four Scroll down the page and select Step Five You will now be advanced to a page where you will see an option to login. Login using the username and password created during the registration process. *Please note, if you have used the site in the past you do not need to re-register. Instead, login to the site using your previous information. If you forget your username or password, click the link below the “Sign In” button to retrieve your information. Once logged in you will be give the option to update your information for this year’s hike.
Step Six You are now logged into the main page of your fundraising page. Across the top of the page you will see the following four options: Each of these Menu Headings can be clicked on and under each Menu you will see a listing of things that you can do to manage your fundraising experience.
Click on the Fundraising Menu Item Across the Top of the Page. You will now see the following page: In the Check Results menu, you can check on the status of your fundraising. Here you can see how much money you have raised. How much money has been pledged. What percentage of your goal you have reached and the status of your registration. This information will update as you collect more donations, etc.
Click on the Get Sponsors Menu Item in the Left Hand List. Fundraising Menu Click on the Get Sponsors Menu Item in the Left Hand List. You will now see the following page: This page duplicated the page used in your initial registration to collect sponsors. This area can be used if you would like to redistribute your page information to new sponsors, or as a reminder to those who you’ve already sent your information out to.
Click on the Manage Sponsors Menu Item in the Left Hand List. Fundraising Menu Click on the Manage Sponsors Menu Item in the Left Hand List. You will now see the following page: Here you can view who your sponsors are and how much money you have raised. A list of your sponsors would appear here. This area will automatically update as more individuals sponsor you. In the listing above you can see an overview of your financial information. Verified Amounts are those that have come in by Credit Card. Pledged Amounts are those that have been given to you by Cash or Cheque. When a donation has been made an option will appear below the Manage Sponsors listing giving you the option to Thank Your Sponsors. This can only be used to thank sponsors that have donated by Credit Card and are considered “Verified” Donors.
Click on the Manage Cash or Cheque Menu Item in the Left Hand List. Fundraising Menu Click on the Manage Cash or Cheque Menu Item in the Left Hand List. You will now see the following page: Here you can enter amounts of donations that you have received by Cash or Cheque. By entering in this information, you’re able to allow these amounts to calculate towards you reaching your fundraising goal. A list of your donations made via Cash or Cheque will appear in this area once entered above. You can edit the amounts after submitted if the amount of the pledge is changed or if you have made an error in entering.
Click on the Sponsor Yourself Menu Item in the Left Hand List. Fundraising Menu Click on the Sponsor Yourself Menu Item in the Left Hand List. You will now see the following page: Here you can make a donation to yourself. By following the steps you will be able to make a contribution towards reaching your own goal. Please note, the donation receipt will be made out to the cardholder’s name, by CRA regulations.
Click on the Edit Goal Menu Item in the Left Hand List. Fundraising Menu Click on the Edit Goal Menu Item in the Left Hand List. You will now see the following page: Here you can adjust your fundraising goal. As you accomplish your goal you may wish to raise your goal and continue to get donations. This new figure will then be updated on your “Widget” on your home page and your percentage of money raised will also be adjusted.
You will now see the following pages: Fundraising Menu Click on the next two menu items in the Left Hand List: Customize Personal Page and Tell-A-Friend. You will now see the following pages: Tell a friend allows you to customize an invitation to a friend to invite them to join you as a fundraiser for Hike for Hospice Palliative Care. This page is the same as the pages during your registration process. Here you can update your site, add videos and photos and customize your widget.
Click on the Team Menu Item Across the Top of the Page. You will now see the following page: Here you can join an existing Team. Enter in the information provided to you by the Team Capitan and Hit the Search Button. When the Search has retrieved the Team you can select to Join this team.
Click on the Create a Team Menu Item in the Left Hand List. You will now see the following page: Here you can create your own Team and ask others to join you in a join effort to raise money.
Click on the Create a Team Menu Item in the Left Hand List. You will now see the following page: Fill out the required information and click Create a Team at the bottom of the page.
Team Menu You are now in the Team Results Page. This will replace the options to Join and Team or Create a Team in the Left Hand Menu under the Team Menu. All of the donations collected by each team member will count towards that individual’s goal as well as the team’s goal. Each Team will have a page created dedicated to that team. There are two ways donations can be collected. The first is to circulate your personal Fundraising Page. Every donation made on your personal page will count towards the goal of the Team, but each individual donation will be managed and attributed to you. The second is to circulate the fundraising page of the Team. This allows for donations not to be attributed to an individual person but to the team as a whole.
You are now in the Team Results Page. Team Menu You are now in the Team Results Page. The following pages are similar to the Individual’s Fundraising Page Functions in the same was as collecting Sponsors. The system gives you two email options were you can email contacts and ask them to join your team. Using this feature a Team member can email everyone in the team at the same time. This allows for group communication. The information provided about your team during the Create a Team Step can be updated by accessing this feature. Each Team’s Page can be customized in the same way as an Individual Page. Photos, videos and customized text can all be updated. This area shows a listing of who has sponsored the Team directly. These donations are no attributed to an Individual, but to the Team as a whole. This provides a listing of individuals who have been contacted and asked to join your team. Here you are able to follow up on requests to join. A message board allows for team members to post information that they would like other team members to be aware of. This is also good for keeping motivation amongst the team members going!
Profile and Registration Menus Click on the Profile and Registrations Menu Items in the Left Hand List. Profile Menu The Profile Menu allows you to update information about yourself. This is where you can update your address, email address, or to update your password. Registration Menu This area is where you are able to check on the status of your registration as a hiker. If your site requires a registration fee or for you to raise a minimum amount via fundraising in order to participate and you have NOT yet met these requirements, your Registration Status will show as “Pending”. When you do meet all requirements, your Registration Status will show as “Registered”. ** Please note, not all hike sites have the same requirements for participating in a hike. Please check with your local Hike Coordinator for information.
Home Page The Home Page is where you can find quick access to information about your Fundraising Page. All of the information you will need to access is listed on the Home Page. To access the Home Page, at any time, click the “Home Button” This is located to the left hand side of the screen. In the Home Page, you can access a quick link to your personal page. Just copy this link and you can paste it into a browser, or email/send to a friend. You can also access a link to your Team’s Fundraising Page.