Lecture 1: Introduction Net 222 Communications and networks fundamentals Networks and Communication Department Lecture 1: Introduction
Instructor information Name: Wejdan Al-suryyi Email: wialsuryyi@pnu.edu.sa Office #: 0.701.17 Office hours: Mon:10-12 Wed:9-10 Sun-Tue-Th: 9-10 Blog : http://net222pnu.wordpress.com/ Networks and Communication Department
Textbooks "Signals and Systems", Oppenheim Willsky, Nawab and Prentice-Hall. Data and Computer Communications", by William Stalling, Prentice-Hall 12-Jan-19 Networks and Communication Department
Course Syllabus Topics to be covered : Introduction to Data Communication. Types of Signals and its Properties. Types of Communications. Transmission Impairments. Transmission Media. Modulation and Encoding Techniques. Data Multiplexing Transmission Types. Error Control. Networks and Communication Department
Percentage from overall score Course grading Assessment Method Grade Week Percentage from overall score Comments Mid 1 15 7 15% Mid 2 20 12 20% Quiz 1 2 6 2% Quiz 2 3 11 3% Lab Final Exam 40 17 40% Networks and Communication Department
Instruction Networks and Communication Department
Attendance ملاحظات: تشمل الساعات النظري والعملي فقط عدد الساعات المقررة نوع الإنذار إنذار أول إنذار ثاني إنذار ثالث 10% 20% 25% أربع ساعات (3نظري-1عملي) 6 وأكثر 12 وأكثر 15 وأكثر ملاحظات: تشمل الساعات النظري والعملي فقط تشمل ساعات الغياب بعذر أو بدون عذر تحرم الطالبة من دخول الاختبار إذا تجاوز غيابها 25% Networks and Communication Department
Course Plan: 12-Jan-19 Notes Topic Date Week (7-11) /4/1437 1 Introduction -Types of Signals & its Properties. Continuous-Time & Discrete-Time Signals (7-11) /4/1437 1 Analog & Digital Signals, Periodic Signals, Even & Odd Signals, Real & Complex Signals, Exponential & Sinusoidal Signals 14-18) /4/1437) 2 Time Shift Transformation Unit Step and Unit Impulse Functions (21–25)/4/1437 3 Systems and Classifications of Systems Linear-Time-Invariant Systems Convolution Sum 28-2) /4-5/1437) 4 Conut. 5-9/5/1437 5 Quiz 1 Types of communications Time domain and frequency domain Spectrum, Bandwidth and Data Rate Transfer, and relations between them 12-16) /5/1437) 6 Midterm(1) Transmission Impairments: Attenuation, delay distortion, noise, Channel capacity, Nyquist Bandwidth, Shannon capacity formula 19-23) /5/1437) 7 Transmission media: Guided media (twisted-pair, coaxial and optical fiber cables)Unguided media (wireless) 26-1)/5-6/1437) 8 12-Jan-19 Networks and Communication Department
Vacation Quiz 2 Midterm(2) Modulation and Encoding Techniques: Digital Data to Analog Signals (ASK, FSK,PSK) Digital Data to Digital Signals (NRZI, NRZL,AMI, Manchester) Analog Data to Digital Signals, Nyquest Theory for Sampling 11-15) /6/1437) 9 Conut. (18-22)/6/1437 10 Quiz 2 Data Multiplexing (TDM, FDM) 25-29) /6/1437) 11 Midterm(2) Transmission Types: Serial, and Parallel - Communication Types: FDX, HDX - Communication Methods: Synchronous and Asynchronous, Forwarding 2-6) /7/1437) 12 Error Control: Error Detection, Error Correction Retransmission Technique: ARQ 9-13) /7/1437) 13 16-20)/7/1437) 14 Revision 23-27) /7/1437) 15 1-5) /8/1437) 16 Finals Net222- 10/8/1437-Tuesday –11:00-1:00 8-12) /8/1437) 17 Vacation - 3/9/1437 15/19)/8/1437) 18 Networks and Communication Department