Wild Wild West Summer Fayre The Parent Crew Barnes Lane, Sarisbury Green, Southampton SO31 7BJ www.sarisburyinfants.co.uk 01489 573800 Registered Charity No. 1103978 Wild Wild West Summer Fayre Dear Parents/Carers, It’s not long now until our Summer Fayre. We have lots of exciting and fun games and stalls planned as well as some lovely refreshments. To help with our preparations, we have decided to hold a non-uniform day on Friday 15th June 2018. In return, we ask that children please bring in a donation for the fayre that we can use on one of our stalls. Items could include: Box of chocolates Packet/bag of sweets Bottle of wine/alcohol Box of biscuits Chocolate bar Once again, your support is greatly appreciated as we would not be able to hold these events without your help. We look forward to receiving the donations. Kind regards, Roxanne Lines Parent Crew Chair