Opening seminar of the project “The development of rural areas in Moldova using the approach of LEADER/CLLD” 13th of September 2018 Chisinau, Moldova
Seminar goals Main goals of the seminar: to introduce the cooperation project aims and activities; to learn about the strategic choices of Cula (Ungheni) and Lunca Nistrului (Stefan Voda) LAGs; to present the selection process of LEADER-type projects; to collect LAG representatives’ input and ideas to be used during the planning of project activities.
Selection process of LEADER-type projects Kristiina Tammets
LEADER evolution Source: DG AGRI 2014-2020 Provisional budget data
LEADER method and its’ key principles
Delivery process of Strategy Local development strategy (LDS) VISION Strategic areas and objectives Activities/measures (selection of projects) Monitoring and evaluation (indicators)
Example of TAS
Example of TAS
Strategy - priorities The EU regulation refers to a “hierarchy of objectives” making it clear that not everything can be achieved at once and that the community/LAG needs to decide collectively on its most important objectives and select the actions that will best contribute to achieving these. The priority of objectives must be pointed out in the strategy. It will be the agreement of the LAG on which objective is the most important, which one is second, third, etc. Prioritizing objectives is important also because of limited resources and makes it possible to exclude activities if there are not enough financial means. Moreover, there is the possibility to allocate more financial means to priority activities and to put them at the beginning of the time schedule for strategy implementation.
Components of measures Title of the measure/action Short description of the need for this specific measure Objective of this measure/action – connection with strategy Supported activities Eligible costs/ineligible costs Beneficiaries Requirements for beneficiaries (necessary documentation) Maximum and minimum rate for support activities, specific exceptions if necessary Target levels and indicators Selection criteria for projects
LAG documentation needed for delivery Description of the delivery process and applying rules; Application form; Selection criteria; Nomination of selection commission and rules of selection procedure; Procedures to avoid conflicts of interests; Communication and dissemination plan with description of procedure.
Delivery process of project application Call for beneficiaries (micro-businesses, village associations, etc) Project proposals submission by deadline Processing of project proposals by LAG Selection of project proposals by LAG The ranking of proposals goes to IDIS Eligibility check and final approval by IDIS Implementation of projects, reporting to IDIS, payments by IDIS Collecting monitoring indicators to measure results of the strategy
Project selection Selection criteria must be set up in a way, which ensures the achievement of strategy objectives and indicators; helps to focus on specific issues that have a critical value for reaching the expected outcomes of the strategy (for example co-operation, innovation etc.); attention to the general quality of the application: the rationale of the project and budget, outcomes, sustainability, project applicant capability, etc; different criteria can have different weights – it depends on the strategy objectives; minimum requirements for project application – level of quality.
Delivery process of Strategy Local development strategy (LDS) VISION Strategic areas and objectives Activities/measures (selection of projects) Monitoring and evaluation (indicators)
Project selection The selection procedure and criteria must be simple, transparent and understandable for the local community. A suggestion is not to set up too many criteria. Selection criteria are also a useful tool to focus strategy implementation. Therefore this topic should be very well considered and described.
Project selection – TAS example 1) Measure-specific assessment criteria (total weight 40%), incl. 1.1. The project’s contribution to achieving the strategy’s measure-specific aim (10%) 1.2. The project’s impact on the measure’s indicators (30%) 2) Universal assessment criteria (total weight 60%), incl.: 2.1. Motivated project and budget (20%) 2.2. Project’s efficiency and viability (10%) 2.3. Applicant’s capability to carry out the project (10%) 2.4. Project’s compatibility with TAS’s general principle – the development of new and innovative products (20%) Koostöökriteerium
Indicators Impact indicators: Change in the turnover of the recipient • Aim of every company: turnover has increased at least 20% in the two years following the end of the project. Change in the number of people visiting the area • General aim: the number of people visiting the area has increased by 5% per year when compared to the base year. Result indicator: the number of new jobs. • Aim for the strategy period: 35 new jobs in the tourism sector. Output indicator: the number of new/improved tourism products/services. • Aim for the strategy period: 50 new/improved products/services.
Selection commission - recommendations The selection commission should include persons who have a good knowledge about the local needs and the ability to understand the “bigger picture” as regards the integrated development of the area; The selection commission can involve also additional experts if specific knowledge is needed, as well as representatives of co-operation partners, if relevant; To select alternate members to avoid the conflict of interests; Any single interest group representation not more than 49%; Capacity building of selection commission.
Conflict of interest LAG needs to assure that the selection process of projects is transparent and all conflicts of interests according to the EC Regulation 1303 Article 34 between the applicants and commission members are avoided. In particular LAG selection commission member cannot participate in selection process if: The member of selection commission is applicant, the representative of applicant, family member or relative of the applicant; The member of selection commission has work, business or other relations with the applicant; The member of selection commission is related to the applicant in some other way or there are circumstances which can influence objective selection.
Cooperation projects - internal and external cooperation Cooperation is a way to widen local views and bring new knowledge to the area in order to improve local development strategies implementation. Possibilities to enhance cooperation: For project beneficiaries to include cooperation as one project selection criteria and to organize special thematic seminars, workshops, meetings for networking; Animation activities and internal cooperation projects of LAG - build cooperation with other local actors and development agencies, networking initiated by LAG; Inter-territorial and transnational cooperation projects of LAG. LAG is beneficiary from project money.
Co-operation projects with other LAGs Preparation of cooperation project (meetings with potential partners, study visits, defining the cooperation areas, etc) Cooperation agreement between partners Designing cooperation project together with partners Staff and Board of the LAG prepare the project and check the accordance with LDS and list of criteria Approval of the cooperation project by LAG General Assembly Submission and approval of the cooperation project by IDIS Implementation of the cooperation project Reporting to IDIS, collecting monitoring indicators, evaluating the results and impact of project
Dissemination - recommendations Information days about strategy objectives, measures and applying rules – involvement and notification of people in the LAG area at the early stage assures the bigger number of quality applications; Dissemination activities to arise the awareness about possibilities of project applications. Dissemination activities can consist of press articles, newsletters, media and social media advertising; Advice to applicants: consultancy is an important tool to improve the quality of applications and to encourage different applicants to co-operate, if relevant;
Dissemination - recommendations Meetings, trainings, study tours and networking: there can be different meetings, trainings and seminars on various topics. This is useful tool to bring people together and to improve the capability to co-operate and to find new solutions/methods. A transparent and simple system for applying, processing and selection: it must be easily understandable for project applicants.
Thank You!