Climate Chapter 21
Climate General conditions of temperature and precipitation for an area over a long period of time Depends on Temperature Precipitation
Factors that affect Climate LATITUDE When latitude INCREASES, energy from the sun DECREASES. Divides Earth into three major regions Tropical Zone – between 23.5o N and 23.5o S of the equator Temperate Zone – between 23.5o and 66.5o (N and S) Polar Zone – between 66.5o and the poles (N and S)
Climate Zones based on Latitude
Factors that affect Climate ELEVATION When elevation INCREASES, temperature DECREASES TOPOGRAPHY Land features affect amounts of precipitation Windward sides of mountains receive HIGHER precipitation Leeward sides of mountains receive LOWER precipitation
Impact of Mountains on Climate
Factors that affect Climate Bodies of Water (Lakes and Oceans) Moderates temperature – small range between lows and highs Increases precipitation – especially on leeward side Global Winds Distributes heat and moisture Determines windward and leeward sides
Factors that affect Climate Vegetation (Plant Life) Impacts both temperatures and precipitation Depends on kind and amount of plant life
Changes in Climate Volcanic Eruptions Ocean circulation Solar Activity Earth’s Motions Greenhouse Effect Global Warming / Human Influence
Climates and Ecosystems Climate (temperature and precipitation) determine the ecosystem present in an area Different ecosystems support different kinds of plant and animal life Ecosystems are classified into BIOMES