Andragogic stimulation of teacher professionalization Prof. Dr. [efika Alibabi}, Kristinka Ovesni, M.A. Faculty of Philosophy Department for Pedagogy and Andragogy University of Belgrade Andragogic stimulation of teacher professionalization
Differences of REP (reasons for engaging in profession) in the group of teachers, in comparison with the group of members of traditional professions is More expressed in group of teachers who have not been properly specialized in pedagogical, psychological and andragogical subjects during period of initial professional preparation or INSET and Minimized in group of teachers who had an opportunity to gain key professional teachers competencies.
Teachers (in primary, secondary and adult education) are a highly diverse group, with varying academic backgrounds and experience. Numerous surveys revealed that some teachers in contrast to members of traditional professions enter the profession perhaps not really by accident but also seldom by design with no clear sense of motivation or because they had few or any other options
For most of teachers, as showed in surveys, the main reasons for choosing this profession are: overall satisfaction with the teaching (i.e. with professional activities and clients); learning and professional development; professional autonomy; social interactions with clients and colleagues; they had no other career options.
Factor analysis of the question dealing with the REP resulted in the identification of five common factors Social power and authority Hygiene factor Motivational factor Professional autonomy and challenge to meet the professional standards No other career options and Learning and professional development (MTP, TPE) Job Security (MTP, TSE, TAE) Social interactions with clients and colleagues (TSE, TAE)
Members of traditional professions (MTP) Teachers in primary education (TPE) Teachers in secondary education (TSE) Teachers in adult education (TAE) F M CA 1. F1 7.81 .952 F2 7.18 .958 8.54 .976 F3 8.16 .937 2. F 2 6.99 ,940 F 1 4.75 ,946 4.72 ,969 5.80 ,934 3. F 3 3.29 ,904 3.33 ,915 3.80 ,968 3.93 ,927 4. F 4 3.24 ,901 F 14 2.64 ,853 F 6 1.94 ,955 2.24 ,908 5. F 5 2.59 ,881 F 11 2.20 ,823 F 12 1.86 ,952 F 8 2.15 ,899 6. 2.08 2.17 ,822 1.82 ,945 2.07 ,843 7. F 7 2.00 ,876 1.96 ,819 1.81 ,944 F 15 1.87 ,837 8. 1.72 ,852 ,813 F 13 1.73 ,932 1.83 ,832 9. F 9 1.59 1.66 ,810 1.63 ,871 1.60 ,815 10. F 10 1.56 ,804 ,497 1.45 ,803 11. 1.41 ,798 1.55 ,589 1.43 ,797 F - Factor M - On a 5-point scale CA - Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy
teachers in secondary and adult education and Our findings sugests that despite the differences in some educational and demographic aspects teachers in secondary and adult education and teachers in primary education and members of traditional professions are relatively homogeneous groups with respect to the reasons for engaging in their professions.