Behavioral goal specialization TDT 4242
Goal categorization – 1 Goal categories are similar to requirements categories: TDT 4242
Goal categorization – 2 Functional goal: States the intent underpinning a system service Satisfaction: Functional goals concerned with satisfying agent request Information: Functional goals concerned with keeping agents informed about important system states Stimulus-response: Functional goals concerned with providing appropriate response to specific event Requirement: A goal under the responsibility of a single agent in the software-to-be. TDT 4242
Behavioural goal Requirement – Goal under the responsibility of a single agent Agent
Goal categorization – 3 Non-functional goal: States a quality or constraint on service provision or development. Accuracy goal: Non-functional goals requiring the state of variables controlled by the software to reflect the state of corresponding quantities controlled by environment agent E.g.: The train’s physical speed and commanded speed may never differ by more than X miles per hour Soft goals are different from non-functional goals. Soft goals are goals with no clear-cut criteria to determine their satisfaction. E.g: The ATM interface should be more user friendly TDT 4242