The curriculum The curricullum tells «What and how the learners should learn» at specific levels of the education system. It includes the objectives and the content of courses (the syllabus), the methods employed (strategies), and other aspects, like norms and values. Mabula, N. (2012). Promoting Science Subjects Choices for Secondary School Students in Tanzania: Challenges and Opportunities. Academic research International 3 (3): 234-245
Elements of a Syllabus General aims – provide curriculum philosophy and course goals Course objectives – specify expected achievements in skill, knowledge and attitudes Course content – lists topics to be covered at each level Methods of evaluation – indicates the means and strategies of evaluation Tuesday, May 12, 2015 SBED 1260 2 SBPH 1260
SBED 2056 Biology Teaching Methods YOUR Scheme of work Lesson plan National curriculum Syllabus Mathematics SBED 2056 Biology Teaching Methods
SBED 2056 Biology Teaching Methods The school’s ccurriculum YOUR Scheme of work Lesson plan National curriculum Syllabus Mathematics SBED 2056 Biology Teaching Methods
SBED 2056 Biology Teaching Methods School curriculum (Kerr, 1983) defines a school curriculum as, 'All the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside the school. SBED 2056 Biology Teaching Methods
SBED 2056 Biology Teaching Methods School curriculum Based on: National goals of education National Curriculum The school’s resources The school’s environment The pupils The culture of the school The teachers SBED 2056 Biology Teaching Methods
SCHEME OF WORK A scheme of work is a plan that shows what a teacher will teach in one term or in the year Is a breakdown of topics in subject syllabus into teaching units that are sequentially arranged to facilitate teaching A subject teacher should prepare realistic schemes of work basing on activity loaded lessons Tuesday, May 12, 2015 SBED 1260 7 SBPH 1260
T/Learning Resources T/Learning Materials Teaching Activities Main part of a scheme of work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Teaching Activities T/Learning Resources T/Learning Materials Learning Activities Competence Objectives Month Week Main topic Sub topic Periods Assessments Remarks Tuesday, May 12, 2015 SBED 1260 8 SBPH 1260
Structure of the scheme of Work School……… Class/form………… Term…… Year............ Subject…................ Teacher……............... Date/Week Lesson Topic Sub- topic Objectives Learning activities Learning resources References Remarks/ Evaluation Five 3 & 4 Health and immunity Diseases and infections By the end of the lessons pupils should be able to: - demonstrations experiments discussions internett Text book Biology pp 1-30 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 SBED 1260 9 SBPH 1260
LESSON PLAN A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for one class. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class instruction. Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and the need and/or curiosity of children. There may be requirements mandated by the school system regarding the plan. Tuesday, May 12, 2015 SBED 1260 10 SBPH 1260
Principles to actions Chapter: Effective Teaching and Learning, USA Principles to actions Ensuring mathematical success for all Chapter: Effective Teaching and Learning, pp 7-57 Book title:
Principles to actions Chapter: Effective Teaching and Learning USA Principles to actions Ensuring mathematical success for all Chapter: Effective Teaching and Learning Establish mathematic goals to focus learning Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving Use and connect mathematical representations Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse Pose purposeful questions Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding Support productive strugle in learning mathematics Elicit and use evidence of student thinking Book title:
Learning mathematics is about ….. Concepts Procedures Strategies Reasoning Productive disposition Problem solving
«Many parents and educators believe that students should be taught as they were taught, through memorizing facts, formulas, and procedures and then practicing skills over and over again.» The traditional lesson paradigm: Review Demonstration Practice
Learning mathematics is about ….. Concepts Procedures Strategies Reasoning Productive disposition Problem solving
Learning mathematics is about ….. Concepts Procedures Strategies Reasoning Productive disposition Problem solving Reasoning: To think logically and to justify one’s thinking
Learning mathematics is about ….. Concepts Procedures Strategies Reasoning Productive disposition Problem solving «the tendency to see sense in mathematics, to perceive it as useful, to beleive that steady efforts in learning mathematics pays off …
Principles to actions Chapter: Effective Teaching and Learning USA Principles to actions Ensuring mathematical success for all Chapter: Effective Teaching and Learning Establish mathematic goals to focus learning (pp 12-16) Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving Use and connect mathematical representations Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse Pose purposeful questions Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding Support productive strugle in learning mathematics Elicit and use evidence of student thinking Book title:
Establish mathematic goals to focus learning (pp 12-16) Mathematic goals indicate what mathematics students are to learn and understand as a result of instruction. Mathematic goals (for the course as a whole) are reflected in the Scheme of work Mathematic goals for a particular lesson are stated in the lesson plan The establishment of clear goals not only guides the teachers’ decision making during the lesson but also helps students to monitor their own progress towards the intended learning outcomes.
Principles to actions Chapter: Effective Teaching and Learning USA Principles to actions Ensuring mathematical success for all Chapter: Effective Teaching and Learning Establish mathematic goals to focus learning (pp 12-16) Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving Use and connect mathematical representations Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse Pose purposeful questions Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding Support productive strugle in learning mathematics Elicit and use evidence of student thinking Book title:
Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving Mathematical tasks can range from routine exercises to complex challenging problems Not all tasks provide the same opportunities for student thinking and learning Student-learning is greatest when tasks encourage high-level student thinking and reasoning. Student-learning is least when tasks are routinely procedural in nature Tasks with high cognitive demand are the most diffiucult to implement in the classroom. These are often transformed into less demanding tasks during instruction.
Implementent tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving A taxonomy of mathematical tasks based on the kind and level of thinking required to solve them. Lower-level demands (memorization) Lower-level demands (procedures without connections) Higher-level demands (procedures with connections) Higher-level demands (doing mathematics)
Open and closed mathematics Adults and students , when presented with «real world» mathematical situations, do not use school-learned mathematical methods or procedures but instead use their own invented methods. … that students are unable to use school-learned methods and rules because they do not fully understand them. Boaler, J. (1998). Open and closed mathematics: Student Experiences and Understandings. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 29 (1) pp 41-62
Open and closed mathematics Closed mathematics: use of traditional low-level tasks Open mathematics: process-based, tasks of higher-level Students who learned mathematics in an open, project-based environment developed conceptual understanding that yielded advantages in a range of assessments and situations. Boaler, J. (1998). Open and closed mathematics: Student Experiences and Understandings. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 29 (1) pp 41-62
Implementent tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving No more place for low-level tasks ? No more place for practicing skills (procedures) in mathematics classrooms?
Implementent tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving No more place for low-level tasks ? No more place for practicing skills (procedures) in mathematics classrooms? Yes, we need both low-level tasks and high-level tasks
Mathematics - the science of patterns