St. Louis City Senior Fund Community Meeting
Why we fund: The 2010 Census showed a total population of 319,294 for St. Louis City, of which 36% or approximately 115,000 are roughly 50 years of age and older. Yet, the funding streams for programs that support home and community-based services for older adults are being cut. The Senior Fund was passed to help address this issue. What We Fund: In 2017, a report was commissioned which prioritized the needs assessment findings to identify key issues impacting older adult’s ability to age in place. The decision of the Board was to focus on the top two categories that older adults reported as necessary to remain living in their homes for phase one in fiscal year 2018. These include:
Social Isolation: the absence of social interactions, contacts, and relationships with family and friends, with neighbors on an individual level, and with “society at large” on a broader level. A person’s lack of social connectedness is measured by the quality, type, frequency, and emotional satisfaction of social contacts. ~AARP
Social Isolation Risk Factors Living alone Having impaired mobility Experiencing a major life transition Having low income Being a caregiver, Having psychological or cognitive vulnerabilities Having neighborhood/community limitations (inaccessible, lacking meaningful events, and/or unsafe) Having a small social network and/or inadequate social support Speaking a language other than English Organizations that take into consideration the risk factors of social isolation
Homemaker/Chore Services: To assist older adults with IADLs (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living), - which help an older adult stay at home and remain as independent as possible.
Examples of Homemaker/Chore Services House cleaning Minor repairs (installation of safety devices) Yard work (window washing, raking, snow shoveling etc.) Laundry Grocery shopping Mobility Managing medication
Letter of Intent Cover Page Organization’s name, address, and telephone number Name, title, telephone number, and email address of main contact for this program Project title and brief project description (not to exceed 100 words) Goal(s) of project Target population Number of seniors trying to reach Defining characteristics Geographic area to benefit from this project Total project budget and amount requesting from Senior Fund
Statement of Need What issue are you addressing? – social isolation or homemaker chore services Why have you chosen to respond to this issue in the way that you have? Why does this matter in the area in which you will be serving? (1-2 paragraphs)
Organizational Description Briefly explain your current programs, and make sure to directly connect what you currently do with what you want to accomplish with the funding you’ve requested from the Senior Fund. (1-2 paragraphs)
Example – Social Isolation Program Circle of Friends is a group intervention aimed at alleviating social isolation through social connectedness. A group of 8 seniors will meet 12 times for a 3-month period, where 2 facilitators lead activities. These activities include: therapeutic writing, group exercise, and art experiences. The idea is that the facilitators help the group to get going and socialize, and as the participants get to know each other better they take over the reins. I am going to through with you all an example of how to set up a Logic Model. But first, I am going to give you a little bit of background information on this made up program. First, this will be a fall prevention program, with a goal of reaching 150 seniors, aged 60+.
Example – Social Isolation Program Goal: Reach 32 seniors, aged 60+, living in St. Louis City Increase social connectedness and social support, decrease social isolation Decrease depression Improve memory function, improve mental wellbeing, and improve quality of life
Assessment Tools Connect2Effect – either the senior or a loved one can fill it out screening tool Geriatric Depression Scale Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale – measures mental function and cognition All 3 will be completed before and after the program
Methodology Please attach Logic Model, outlining the inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes of your program
Program Logic Model Template
Inputs List and quantify the materials, staff, equipment, training, etc. that you need to deliver your program. Outcomes Describe broadly the changes your program is intended to make in the lives of the participants. This can include changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills, behavior, status or condition, and/or access to resources. Activities List the various activities you will perform to deliver your program. Outputs List what and quantify how much you anticipate to deliver as a result of your activities
Outputs vs. Outcomes Outputs Outcomes List what and quantify how much you will deliver through your activities Describe activities Are about your efforts Tell me you’re busy (NOT impact) Answer: Why? So what? To what end? Describe the changes your program is intended to make in the lives of participants. Represent solutions to problems Describe change Are about the client Tell me you’re effective
Budget Category/Description of each expense How numbers are calculated and Why Total Project Cost Request from Senior Fund A. Salary & Benefits (if you list personnel expenses, please state whether these funds will be used for new or existing staff positions) Job Title(s): Number of hours per week spent on project by title: Annual salary/fringes amount by title: Project Responsibilities: B. Contract Services C. Occupancy D. Insurance Type of insurance and need for project E. Travel Description of the purpose of travel: Calculate the number of miles per contract period The agency reimbursable rate is x. F. Equipment How the equipment will be used in the project or purpose for purchase: G. Supplies List supplies, the costs associated with each item and number: F. Printing, Copying and Postage: Explain how the printing, copying and or postage will be utilized in the project, the volume and the cost associated with each. G. Evaluation H. Marketing I. Administration If requesting administrative fees explain the role of administrative personnel in project.
Evaluation Explain how you plan to evaluate your project – survey, pre/post test, etc. Include any assessment tool(s) you will be using
Evaluation Plan
Application Phase Timeline Date Activity Community Presentation November 1, 2018 LOI Opens LOI Closes November 27, 2018 4 pm Applicants Approved December 19, 2018 Grant Application Workshop/Application opens January 8, 2019 Application Closes February 12, 2019 4 pm Award Notification April 26, 2019 Anticipated date of Disbursements May 31, 2019