Labour and Skills Needs in the Tourism/Hospitality Sector Tony Donovan Chief Technical Adviser Skills for Tourism (Project LAO/029) 2017 Round Table Implementation Meeting Pre-Consultation 13 October 2017
Skills for Tourism Project - Conceptual Framework Overall Objective Promotion of sustainable and inclusive growth of the Lao PDR tourism and hospitality sector thereby contributing to poverty reduction Specific Objective Graduates of improved and expanded tourism and hospitality vocational education and skills development, including disadvantaged people, find gainful employment in tourism and hospitality Outcome 1 The quality of skills development programmes in tourism and hospitality is improved Output 1.1 A market-led system of research, monitoring and evaluation is established
Tourism/Hospitality Labour Market Information The Uses Planning TVET/SD provision and enrolment capacity Measuring the effectiveness of TVET/SD in terms of quality and quantity Developing occupational standards, qualifications, curricula, assessment and certification systems Providing vocational guidance, career counselling and employment support services Developing and providing short courses for retraining and upskilling Identifying TVET/SD options that provide opportunities for particular target groups
Tourism/Hospitality Labour Market Information The Challenges 1. Multiple and uncoordinated data generation 2. Lack of cooperation from data sources 3. Limited capacity to translate data into useful information 4. Definition of specific needs 5. Need for constantly updated labour market data 6. Lack of data dissemination 7. Mechanism to discern important labour market signals 8. Willingness and readiness to respond to labour market information
Tourism/Hospitality Labour Market Information System Reliable and Timely Labour Market Information The Demand for Workers Now and in Future The Supply of Workers Now and in Future The Industry Now and in Future Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism Ministry of Education and Sports Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Industry Associations, Trade Working Groups Effective TVET/SD System
Labour Market Supply and Demand Balance is needed Supply of tourism/hospitality labour Demand for tourism/hospitality labour