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Click here for Final Jeopardy Which word... is diffent? Click here for Final Jeopardy
Colors 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points Analogies Colors Word Groups What is it? Things we use Household Appliances 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 60 Points 60 Points 60 Points 60 Points 60 Points 60 Points 80 Points 80 Points 80 Points 80 Points 80 Points 80 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points
arm : hand leg : ____
What is foot?
one : two first : _______
What is second?
baseball : bat tennis : _______
What is racket or racquet?
stomachache: doctor toothache:_______
What is dentist?
daughter : aunt son : ______
What is uncle?
Lemons and bananas are usually ____.
What is yellow?
A zebra is black and ______.
What is white?
Grapes are usually green or ________.
What is purple?
A wooden floor is usually ______.
What is brown?
Traffic lights are red, yellow, and ________.
What is green?
shirt coat sock tie
What are clothes?
pigeon parakeet hawk eagle
What are birds?
teacher taxi driver lawyer doctor
What are jobs or occupations?
bee ant ladybug dragonfly
What are insects?
carnation rose daisy tulip
What are flowers?
It has fur and whiskers and likes to catch mice.
What is a cat?
It makes a web, had eight legs and likes to catch flying insects.
What is a spider?
It has a mane, a long tail, and is fun to ride.
What is a horse?
It is very large and has a very long trunk.
What is an elephant?
It has a very long neck and legs and dark patches on its body.
What is a giraffe?
We use this to keep rain off of us
What is an umbrella or raincoat?
We use this to take photos.
What is a camera?
Men use this to carry money
What is a wallet?
This is printed daily and read by millions
What is a newspaper?
We use this to get into a house or a car
What is a key?
You can clean your clothes in it
What is a washing machine?
You can heat things very quickly in it.
What is a microwave?
You can press clothes with it.
What is an iron?
You can ring your friends and talk
What is a telephone?
It makes food very, very, very cold.
What is a freezer?
Make your wager (bet) now, then Write down the amount and the question
soccer, wrestling, baseball, ping pong Final Answer Which word is different and why? soccer, wrestling, baseball, ping pong
What is wrestling? Wrestling is a sport that doesn’t use a ball. Final Question What is wrestling? Wrestling is a sport that doesn’t use a ball.