CHAPTER 12 Project Management รศ.ดร.เสรี วงษ์มณฑา
ESTABLISH THE AIMS OF THE EVENT Improving community attitudes Increasing civic pride Injecting funds into the local economy Raising funds for a charitable cause Increasing tourist numbers to a specific destination Extending the tourist season Launching a new product 2/7
Raising revenue through ticket sales Providing entertainment Building team loyalty Raising the profile of the town or city Celebrating an historical event Enhancing the reputation of a convention organiser/venue 3/7
Conducting an inspirational ceremony Providing a unique experience Increasing product sales Acknowledging award winners Producing media coverage Highlighting the main point of a conference 4/7
ESTABLISH THE OBJECTIVES Side of audience Demographics Average expenditure of audience Sponsor recognition levels Sales of sponsor products Economic impact of event Profit 5/7
PROJECT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES Feasibility Stakeholder analysis Scope Risk management Deliverables milestones 6/7
CHAPTER 12 Project Management - The End -