Project Partners and SSC Meeting by Antonella Convertino


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Presentation transcript:

Project Partners and SSC Meeting by Antonella Convertino A transnational project implemented by Project Partners and SSC Meeting Besançon 12 December 2005 AlpCity Web Site by Antonella Convertino My presentation is about the AlpCity Web Site

Introduction STRUCTURE USERS’ ACTIVE ROLE A transnational project implemented by Introduction STRUCTURE 1 RECENT UPDATES 2 As introduction I would like to outline the three key points of this presentation. The first one is the web site structure; the second one dealts with the most recent updates and finally the third one is just a remind to users’ active role. First of all I would like to underline that our aim through this AlpCity web site is at facilitating communications and information among partners, SSC and the public. USERS’ ACTIVE ROLE 3

1. STRUCTURE EVENTS: COMING EVENTS PAST EVENTS PRESS A transnational project implemented by 1. STRUCTURE EVENTS: COMING EVENTS PAST EVENTS PRESS Just to make the web site more user-friendly we decided to introduce some changements in the Home Page for what concerns “EVENTS” and “PRESS”.

A transnational project implemented by You can see here a small reproduction of the AlpCity web site home page. We can focus on the left column, where we can find a new appearance, a lighter appearance if compared to the previous one. In fact, if you have a look at the events, you can realize that we cut the past events from the home page and we left only the coming events. What you can see as the most recent coming event is, obviously, the Besançon meetings and clicking on it you can get all the information available on this meeting at the moment. Probably you will be able to see additional elements into this section in the future, apart from the final conference, which will be held in September 2006.

A transnational project implemented by “PAST EVENTS” were shifted and to look at them you have to click on “PAST EVENTS” on the home page; then you can find all the AlpCity main events listed according to the following order, that is “PROJECT MEETINGS”, “SCIENTIFIC STEERING COMMITTEE”, “SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE”. All the other events, not directly belonging to the AlpCity Project are collected into the “OTHER” section.

A transnational project implemented by The second important innovation consists in a new section, named “AlpCity Press”, which is conceived to contain all the published documentation on our project.

2. RECENT UPDATES PARTNERS’ AREA: WORKING DOCUMENTS COMMUNICATIONS A transnational project implemented by 2. RECENT UPDATES PARTNERS’ AREA: WORKING DOCUMENTS COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC AREA: ALPCITY PRESS OTHER EVENTS   The second key-point of this presentation is concerned with the most recent updates. It is useful to analyze the different news posted in the PARTNERS’ AREA and in the PUBLIC one. As far the PARTNERS’ AREA you can find something new in “WORKING DOCUMENTS” and in “COMMUNICATIONS”. In the PUBLIC one you will be able to read some articles and papers about AlpCity and to be acquainted with other interesting events regarding the Alpine Space.

A transnational project implemented by Let’s start again from the home page; you should know already how entering the PARTNERS’ AREA and after introducing your “user name” and your “password” in the proper window, you can reach this page.

A transnational project implemented by From this page, please focus your attention on the section entitled REPORTS (ACTIVITY – FINANCIAL – I&P). If you click on “WORKING DOCUMENTS” you can obtain the Third Progress Report (after the First one and the Second one, of course), which is composed by the Activity Report, the Financial one and the I&P one. But I do not want to dwell upon this subject, because Dana already spoke about it in a more than exhaustive way. THIRD PROGRESS REPORT ¬ ACTIVITY FINANCIAL I &P

A transnational project implemented by If we go back to the PARTNERS’AREA main page, we can focus now on another section “AlpCity Official Communications”. You can have a glance at MA/JTS Communications, where you can read the listed documents.

A transnational project implemented by Again if you click on the PARTNERS’ OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS you can find the most recent ones, that is the Belfort withdrawal (Formal communication) and the new AlpCity Legal Responsible from Regione Lombardia.

A transnational project implemented by Moving again to the PUBLIC AREA we can visit the “ALPCITY PRESS” section, where you can read already three interesting documents, such as an article provided by Mr. Hubert Trauner, published in the quarterly review “Leben in Stadt und Land” (“Living in town and in the countryside”). Then you can find an article about the AlpCity Meeting held in Milano and published on the Interreg III B Alpine Space Newsletter, issue n.8, October 2005. And then the documentation provided atthe Workshop Interreg III B by the Federal Office for Spatial Development held in Bern on 4th November 2005.

A transnational project implemented by Then we go back to the last public updates. Starting from the home page, we focus on the left column, then click on PAST EVENTS and on the section named “OTHER”. Here we can find all the most relevant recent events, such as the Workshop Interreg III B in Bern, where AlpCity was exhaustively presented by Prof. Christophe Clivaz belonging to our project partner Haute École Valaisanne. You can download this presentation. Then you can have a look at an interesting meeting held in Torino on 14th October with the participation of Region Piemonte, its case studies consultants and the Observatory on Sustainable Cities. Another event, the CIPRA Annual Conference of this year held in Brig (Switzerland) in September, will be replaced from the section “NEWS” (home page up on the right) to this one, also because the AlpCity Project was directly involved in this event as candidate to the CIPRA Award.

3. USERS’ ACTIVE ROLE: OBSERVATIONS and COMMENTS PROPOSALS CONTACTS A transnational project implemented by 3. USERS’ ACTIVE ROLE: OBSERVATIONS and COMMENTS PROPOSALS CONTACTS Last but not least there is the third key-point that is users’ active role: with reference to my initial explanation of our web site aim, I would to remind you that all of your observations, suggestions and comments are welcome and we would expect new and original proposals from you to improve not only the appearance of our web site, but above all its contents. I think it is needless to recall our contact details, which can be found on the web site. A last request: please let us know any of your address or charge changements.

A transnational project implemented by CONCLUSION Thanks a lot for your attention. I am very glad to be here in this wonderful city and to have the chance to work with you. I hope our present and future collaboration will be fruitful.