INTER - COUNTRY COMMITTEES CULTURE – FRIENDSHIP - COOPERATION PDG Andrzej LUDEK, PDG Paul JANKOWITSCH Chair of the Executive Council 2016-2018 General Secretary of the EC 2016 - 2018 ICC National Coordinator (Poland) ICC National Coordinator Austria and BIH Honorary Chair of ICC Poland-Germany Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018
WHAT ARE INTER COUNTRY COMMITTEES ? - ICCs are activities of RI - ICCs promote contact between districts and clubs in two or more countries and increase fellowship/friendship and inter- cultural understanding among the people of various nations - Rotarians are encouraged to create new ICCs to foster stronger ties between Rotarians, clubs and districts from different countries and establish networks across borders, continents, and oceans Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018
WHAT ARE INTER COUNTRY COMMITTEES NOT ? - loose cooperations outside the ICC framework - self defined relationships of any kind - club partnerships - project cooperation in the context of Global Grants NB: Rotarians are encouraged to check with the ICC homepage, the National Coordinator or the chair of the EC Board to get advice ! Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018
Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018
HOW TO SET UP AN INTER COUNTRY COMMITTEE ? Identify interest Involve the National Coordinator (if there is none, the DG) - if in doubt please contact the chair of the ICC Executive Board 3. Prepare interested clubs/delegates of clubs on both sides and run a test period 4. Get agreement of the Chair of the Executive Board of the ICCs 5. Set up the ICC and sign the charter document (NCs and DGs involved) NB: Stay active and assess annually the developements Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018
Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018
- Assistance in finding partners for club projects OUR ACTIVITIES (II) - Assistance in finding partners for club projects - Showing the best examples of successful bilateral cooperation - Involving the young generation in ICCs activities - Presenting an outstanding example of innovative ways to improve peace and understanding - Supporting all strategic Areas of Focus of RI Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018
IMPACT OF ICCs ACTIVITIES ON SELECTED DOMAINS - Strengthening clubs (membership, project realization !) - Involvement of young generation - Fostering international understanding and peace - Public Relations Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018
ICCs TODAY - There are now more than 200 ICCs - Most active countries are France (>40), Germany (>30), Italy (>20) and Romania (>20) - 73 countries represented Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018
WHAT’S NEW IN THE ICCs WORLD? - New ICCs GUIDELINES 2017 – approved by the General Assembly of the EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, JANUARY 15TH, 2017 in WARSAW - Validation process ongoing Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018
VISIT OUR WEBSITE : Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018
Most recent presentations/events with respect to ICCs - Institute Cluj Napoca,Romania, 11/2017 - Interzonal Conference Bahrain, 3/2018 - General Assembly Warszawa,Poland,4/2018 - Distrikt Conference Antalya,Turkey,6/2018 - ICC Conference at the occasion of the RI convention, Toronto,Canada,6/2018 + Booth 915 in the HoF Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018
HOW TO SET UP AN INTER COUNTRY COMMITTEE ? Identify interest Involve the National Coordinator (if there is none, the DG) – if in doubt please contact the chair of the ICC Executive Board 3. Prepare interested clubs/delegates of clubs on both sides and run a test period 4. Get agreement of the Chair of the Executive Board of the ICCs 5. Set up the ICC and sign the charter document (NCs and DGs involved) NB: Stay active and assess annually the developments Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018
Toronto Conference – National Club June 22 2018