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Global Weight Loss Program Overview 6 Doctor Supervised Weight Loss Visits Pro Cleanse GHI Fit-Metabolix Liquid Complete Nutritional Support Liquid Appetite Matrix Weight Loss Drops (Blue Bottle) Weight Loss Drops (Pink Bottle) Weight Loss Drops (Green Bottle)
Global Weight Loss Program Saves you money Cost to lose 30 LBS Cost Per Pound Time to lose Zone Diet (no fat burning) $3800 $127 30 Weeks Jenny Craig $4300 $144 Nutri-System $4000 $134 20 Weeks Weight Watchers $3000 $97
25 LBS weight gain or more has the following adverse effects Increase the risk of heart attacks by 360% All forms of cancer increase of 80% Type 2 diabetes increase by 2,660% (ouch!) De-generative arthritis by 400% Gallstones increase by 270% Premature death rises by 110%
Body Mass Index
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