第三十期 Abstract: 京师核科学论坛


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Presentation transcript:

第三十期 Abstract: 京师核科学论坛 Nuclear Structure and Correlations: From Stable to Unstable Nuclei   Dr. Jenny Lee  The University of Hong Kong Time: May 9, 2018, 10:00 am Venue: Jingshi Science and Technology Building B, Room 1314 Abstract: Nuclear Physics aims at understanding the fundamental properties of matter and the origin of the universe. The availability of short-lived nuclei produced at the radioactive-isotope beam (RIB) facilities worldwide in recent years has led to numerous discoveries of new phenomena in exotic nuclei, such as emergence of new magic numbers, neutron halos and skin. To understand these novel features, it is essential to obtain detailed knowledge of correlations between nucleons. In this talk, I will present HKU experimental programs at the world’s leading RIB facilities including RIBF/RIKEN (Japan) and NSCL/MSU (United States) to investigate new magicity of exotic nuclei and nucleon correlations. I will also discuss about the detection array projects at HKU. MPhil/PhD/Postdoc positions in Nuclear Physics at HKU: MPhil/PhD/Postdoc positions are open in the Experimental Nuclear physics Group at HKU. The topics are dedicated to the structure studies of exotic nuclei using in-gamma spectroscopy and direct-reaction technique. The experiments will be performed at RIBF/RIKEN (Japan) with the world’s most intense radioactive beams. In addition, candidates will participate in the construction project of detector arrays at HKU with international collaborations. For enquiry, please contact Dr. Jenny Lee (jleehc@hku.hk). HKU Group webpage: http://www.physics.hku.hk/~nuclear/ 联系人: 刘圆圆老师 (yyliu@bnu.edu.cn) 廖斌老师(liaobingz@126.com) 组织单位: 射线束技术教育部重点实验室 北京师范大学核科学与技术学院 北京市辐射中心