Language Proficiency Endorsement ICAO Workshop, Rome Leonard Boer 03 March 2010
Language Proficiency Endorsement (NL) Status of implementation General Air Traffic Controlers Pilots Types of Language Proficiency checks Introduction Leonard Language Proficiency Endorsement 03 March 2010
Language Proficiency Endorsement (NL) Status of implementation General LPE incorporated in Dutch regulation effective 5 March 2008 Transitional period formally determined for 3 years Holders of PPL, CPL and ATPL with RT have received LPE 4 valid untill 5 March 2011 (‘grandfather rights’) Endorsement on licence The Language Proficiency have been incorporated into Dutch Regulation in the so called regulation Bewijzen van Bevoegdheid (Dutch regulation for licences. In the Netherlands we have formally determined a transitional period for 3 years. The holders of PPL, CPL and ATPL have automatically received a LPE level 4 for a period untill 5 March 2011. All holders concerned have to perform a LPE test within that period of three years to prove language skills. The endorsement will be only printed at the next replacement of the licence, so LPE will not phyiscal reflect on the licence. Starting 5 March 2010 a new licence will be introduced and all licence holders will receive a new copy including their actual language proficiency ICAO had been informed about this difference. Language Proficiency Endorsement 03 March 2010
Language Proficiency Endorsement (NL) Status of implementation Air Traffic Controllers Language proficiency for ATCO in compliance with EU-Directive 2006/23 (5 April 2006) Air Traffic Control The Netherlands (LVNL) is certified in compliance with national legislation Test done by special programme developped by RMIT (Australia) The LPE for ATCO is in compliance with EU-Directive 2006-23. The level of language will be determined by the certified company. Certification will be done in compliane with national legislation. In the Netherlands Air Traffic Control Netherlands is certified to perform tests. A special programme by the Australian company RMIT will be used. In practice the trained assessors will take the test and an audiofile is sent to AUS for checking purposes. The language proficiency of an ATCO must be performed by a certified party. Language Proficiency Endorsement 03 March 2010
Language Proficiency Endorsement (NL) Status of implementation Pilots Language proficiency for pilots in compliance with JAR-FCL and ICAO Different variants of testing The Language Assessment is in compliance with JAR-FCL and ICAO. In the NL we have determined several methods of testing. These methods of testing are discussed with the stakeholders Language Proficiency Endorsement 03 March 2010
Language Proficiency Endorsement (NL) Variants of testing AOC Holder FTO/TRTO Language Assessment Body (LAB) Language Proficiency Endorsement 03 March 2010
Language Proficiency Endorsement (NL) Testing AOC Holder Language assessment during proficiency check or other testing or trainingactivities Testing of language assessment by a special autorised examiner (e.g.TRE) The language assessment check may be done through the aoc holder during the proficiency check (prof check) this can only be done by a trained examiner. This examiner must pass a language assessment test first through a language assessment body. All examiner must be approved by the CAA-NL Language Proficiency Endorsement 03 March 2010
Language Proficiency Endorsement (NL) Testing FTO/TRTO Approved by CAA-NL for language assessments Implemented in an approved quality system Assessment during testing or trainingactivities Language Proficiency Endorsement 03 March 2010
Language Proficiency Endorsement (NL) Language Assessment Body (LAB) In NL 7 approved Language Assessment Bodies Oversight programme under development The Minister of Transport has approved seven language assessment bodies in NL, in accordance with AMC 2 JAR-FCL 1.010 Language Proficiency Endorsement 03 March 2010
Language Proficiency Endorsement (NL) Numbers of language proficiency tests ATCO 100% Pilots 100% (on grandfather rights) (actual testing in progress now) Language Proficiency Endorsement 03 March 2010
Language Proficiency Endorsement (NL) Difficulties implementation responsibilities cost effective introduction new licence acceptance of foreign language proficiency endorsements Language Proficiency Endorsement 03 March 2010