It’s Friday! Warm-Up… Quickwrite… If there were three streets that formed a triangle, what would be the best thing to put right in the middle? Why? Ex: “I think the best thing to put in the middle of three streets is _______________ because ___________________________.”
Compare and Explain… your Warm-Up answers starting with Student #1 (1 min)
Round Robin… starting with the student who wrote the least at your table (1 min) If there were three streets that formed a triangle, what would be the best thing to put right in the middle? Why? Ex: “I think the best thing to put in the middle of three streets is _______________ because ___________________________.”
Incenter of a triangle
Example Find the coordinates of the circumcenter of △ABC with vertices A(0, 3), B(0, -1), and C(6, -1)
Practice: Answer in Socrative
What is the Incenter of a triangle? The angle bisectors of a triangle are also concurrent This point of concurrency is the incenter and is always INSIDE the triangle
Inscribing a Circle Within a Triangle Because the incenter P is equidistant from the three sides of the triangle, a circle can be drawn using P as the center The circle is said to be inscribed within the triangle